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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Stevie , I want your babies. Spill the beans man you drama queen.
  2. Truth mustn't stand in the way of Tory Bashing.
  3. There was a problem He's gone.
  4. ham and turkey sandwiches, bags of lettuce, hard-boiled eggs, heaps of tomato, lashings of ginger beer
  5. Monkeys Fist


    CT's sig. Full on scouse mode.
  6. Stevies gonads have just involuntarily retracted. It's his wrongun alert going off.
  7. Monkeys Fist


    *I'm Apostrophe
  8. Monkeys Fist


    To late for contrition now Bunter Tree. Blood on your pastie encrusted hands tbh. Shameful *been others btw, been
  9. The ability to sport the correct jacket/trouser combo is a quality we ignore at our peril. England Expects…… …… staypressed Farahs.
  10. But then he'd be too busy to post on here , wouldn't you Nick?
  11. Sorry Jeebuz, just remembered Salma. You're out ,shes in.
  12. which one of those would you like to have sex with ? Explanation here Kevin.
  13. I'm honestly more disheartened now than I was when we went down. The combination of Hughton's sacking and Carroll's sale , (more specifically the utterly laughable manner in which it was conducted) has left me bereft of any hope we can stand still, never mind progress, under this Cunt. I cannot see any buyer stumping up what the Cunt will want for us either. He'll say we are a more attractive proposition now than when he bought us, and will want daft money. That's if he bothers his fat arse to speak to them. Remember his manners in Dubaii? Fat Cunt snubs buyers
  14. Mention that a PSV is involved and this bloke will be there like a shot.
  15. Do you know who she is Kevin? Edit; here's a more recent pic of her for you to crack one out to. Mystery Lovely.
  16. If he doesn't invest in new players who can improve the team, we won't be challenging top 10, we'll be in a relegation fight. It's well known that promoted teams find it much tougher to get results second season up, when other teams have worked them out. I think we need new talent to give us that momentum. Of this season's players, only Ben Arfa is going to provide something different and he is returning from a serious injury. Gosling is an Everton reserve so needs to develop and who knows whether we'll sign Ireland. Our attack is severely toothless and needs major investment. Investment means spending on new players, in particular a mean eyed bastard 20 goals a season spearhead to replace Carroll. Not rummaging in the bargain bin at Lidl for the Shefki bloody Kuqis of this world, not getting a kid with promise to lead the line, but signing the finished article. Preferably with an understudy as well. That's going to cost some serious wonga imo. And that's before you look at other positions that need more depth like left back, right back, centre back and a right winger. Investment doesn't mean money to fund existing wages and running costs. That isn't the meaning of investment imo. It's about securing the future of the club, and I'm shitting myself about this lot dropping the ball this summer. imo we need to spend ALL of the 35 mill on new players PLUS whatever was originally budgeted. And Pardew needs to stay away from mediocre players like Cartlon Cole. Then we might stand a chance of top 10. Otherwise a season of struggle beckons with results similar to recent results but all season. imo. We're fucked then. No player of the calibre we need in the positions you mention, particularly a 20 goal/season striker, will come to us for these reasons; 1: Comparatively shit wages. Why come here when you can get more elsewhere. 2: "Medals" potential. Look at our recent cup and league history. If they want to win medals, they won't be coming here. 3: European Football. We are way off securing regular European football status. 4: Staff. Dekka, Pardew, need I say more? Play for a puppet manager, who's strings are pulled by a pair of know nowt goons? Nah 5: Diminishing Talent. By that i mean that any player in the team who shows potential will soon be sold ,and replaced with Lidl versions. Why the fuck would any decent player join a club like us? Cheers Mike- 5 year plan on course.
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