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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Cheese and chutney. Wow that is oldskool. Got to have some cheese, brie at least and more than just a pitta bread ffs. You've been mixing with Turks too much. I'm with Chez on this one. Must have; bread- baguette or such like Saucisson sec, salami Brie or Camembert , Nectarines and/or Melon One of these is obligatory
  2. Tiote doing his best waiter impression tbh. Fucking awful.
  3. Wor lass hasn't seen that yet. Bizarre given it's on so often it's become a parody of itself. If I ever get stinking rich, I'll pay for a tv channel to play it on a loop.
  4. Soo many metaphors in that pic…
  5. Still waiting for the pics from the jeans post tbh. Til then, you're a bloke.
  6. Two write. Its pissing me of. Not he's folt
  7. If it's whole, what's the problem? Pulling CY on his spelling has being going on long enough. Your all been twats.
  8. I say, top hole, what?what? Spanishy chicken and rice tonight. Olé
  9. Genuinely hope it all goes tickety-boo old chap. Sounds like you've put loads of effort and thought in, which the laydeez love.
  10. He should really be wearing a helmet.
  11. Tablecloth= Hep Cat!
  12. cheers....you'll have to wait till I'm back in cell service range. going to a remote secluded natural hotspring, hope the snow is gone from there as it is north facing and the hike in could be significantly more arduous if it isn't. It'll be a fucking sight more arduous coming back if she says no. Best of luck mate, hope it all goes well.
  13. My dishwasher… … I'd be lost without her©Moses
  14. I'm sorry mate but you know nothing. Leazes is the fifth best poster on here. In the last 4 years good posters like Leazes have gone and been replaced by inferior posters. This board has been dropping down the posting list for years now, who is to blame for this? Who is repsonsible for the loss of profile and the decline in interest? The lack of ambition of the current posters is there for all to see, in fact I pointed this out 4 years ago and the likes of you refused to admit that I was right and you were wrong. Post of the month!
  15. rubbish, the time left on his contract is nowt to do with it, if anything, its more grounds for the club telling Liverpool to fuck off. It won't be long before Enrique and Tiotte are also "Judas cunts" too by the way. In fact any decent player we get will be "Judas cunts" but the club is in great hands and is not their fault. What a mong. Go to skunkers and NO too, where there are lots of other idiotic mongs with the same view as you. A bit over-the-top from you there like lol. Players leave clubs all the time, the Judas accusation comes from his supposed loyalties to us, being a supporter and locally born and bred. Enrique and Tiote won't and shouldn't have the same 'love' for the club as Carroll claims to have had and if he'd have wanted to have stayed he could have It's not mate.You'll see what I mean. Welcome to the Crazy World of Leazesmag.
  16. Just to be sensible for a rare moment, Stevie, I think Tom was right to suggest you tread carefully- you don't want to get yourself into any bother over the fat racist. That's not to say I don't want me updates just thought it worth stating.
  17. Wyngate paulwyngate man, Wyngate's where John Harl lives, don't want to confuse matters. Wynyard ye dafty. Anyway , get busy pm wise Columbo.
  18. Just for reference Stevie- I am not bored with Wyngate. () PMs all the way please.
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