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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Seems Osama liked a bit of homegrown. ..…the filthy drug addict. We should send him back home in a bodybag. (am I doing this right Leazes, still a bit new to me)
  2. Look carefully. Btw,anyone ever being to one of these?
  3. Your guests bring strap-ons? Filth!
  4. She must wear earplugs then when she performs, which would explain a lot.
  5. The last item confirms it tbh
  6. Took my ballot paper out for a meal and pamper day. Seems I can't vote now
  7. Mugs and arseholes, the whole damned lefty lot of em. Don't worry, with me at your side we can only go one way old buddy.
  8. Ill do my best Doc, but as a recent convert I may be overcome with messianic zeal now and again as I spread the Good News.
  9. And there it is. After attempting to not-so-subtly allude to his god's for the last 5 posts it became too much, the threat that people wouldn't understand what he was alluding to, oh what to do? I must tell them. except that was deliberate, to shut the likes of Renton and Gloomy up, to put into perspective what absolute shit they are spouting, because they put an end to us being a selling club, like we are again now. I've just had one of those life changing moments. Thank you Leazes. I finally get it. You simply want us to be run by the Halls and Shepherd ( or their ilk). For all this time I thought you were a nutjob, who's ego massively outweighed your intellect,endlessly banging on about the same old shit, but now I see how wrong I was. You've convinced me and ,I'm sure ,everyone else too. So, let's hear no more about it. Thanks again A convert Xx
  10. The walk I mentioned elsewhere, from Craster to Low Newton, passes right by Dunstanburgh.
  11. Spender was the market leader in that
  12. Didnt see it. Were there any scenes filmed in South Tyneside?
  13. Who, the black bloke out of Black Eyed Peas? He's no Gerry Marsden.
  14. "Woah, it's one o' them Japs-Eye Knights!" "Got any REM mate?"
  15. Back scuttle for a slice of pizza - Viztastic!
  16. When I saw the pic of Nolan, Tiote etc I just saw waiters- White shirt, black waistcoat. Black &White stripes is not a complicated design,and shouldn't be hard to get right. There's been some decent strips over the years, but this, like the 02-03 NTL one, is awful. Anyway, think I've made my thoughts clear enough, back to posting tits and shite.
  17. It's not that radical to be honest. It's very similar to the two above - though vastly inferior. The 76 one has stripes, equal width, and black markings on the arms. The 02/03 one at least has striped sleeves, but I wasn't keen on it then or now. Sorry, like, but the new one is a plain White shirt with a few black panels hoyed at it. It's NOT Black and White stripes.
  18. Saw action in both World Wars. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...-breathing.html
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