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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Okaaaay. Why d'you say Craig is a moaner, just curious like
  2. An electorate too thick to understand voting reform and thick enough to fall for Cameron's cunning plan of employing an absolute patsy to take all the blame for their economy stalling policies. Has nowt to do with it. They've got a good kicking because of the Tuition lies. The majority of the public is still behind the deficit reduction. I hope the Liberals act up and Cameron tells them to fuck off and calls a general election. Im sure they would be back with a very big majority.
  3. Spot! Brilliant. We played an extreme version of Kingo ,with a cricket ball instead of a tennis ball, for a couple of weeks when none of us had a tennis ball. Feckin' knacked!
  4. Guess who this porky fucker is? (yes, he played for us)
  5. " Box of salty popcorn and a pack of hankies please"
  6. " If you don't follow Danny Simpson on Twitter, please leave the room......."
  7. Untamed Ozzy bush.... ... I know she's english, but it was filmed in Oz
  8. I think the difference in prize money is £800,000 per place , so just under £6.5 million difference. * awaits correction
  9. Is this true; "Organisers of Italia 90 TV coverage had the splendid idea of augmenting team line-ups with film of each player mouthing his own name. Gascoigne's genius led him to subvert the process by, instead, mouthing 'F***ing W***ker'. The BBC had to use it all the way through the tournament." If so, is there footage
  10. How's Xisco getting on lately btw?
  11. Go on then, my dartboard's getting old.
  12. Spying. Pick a random, follow them without being sussed. Sounds shit, but high drama to a 10 yr old. Also, Hallas/Harras. Basically Extreme hide and seek. 1 seeker, the rest hid. As you caught people they became seekers until last person was found. For "catch", read "chin", as you were only classed as caught after 5 "bats on the heed".
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