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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If Gok Wan went to a Trekkie convention, that shirt would be the horrific result.
  2. Nowt wrong with passionate bile - it's my mantra to get through life combined with sardonic contempt for 99.99% of people. I think in life as well there are plenty dodgy characters around and you might think am wrong here, but it's important than you can stick up for yourself so people don't talk down to you, or worse when you're at school physically bully you. Another thing about disagreeing with people, would life not be boring if everybody held the same views putting them across in the same way? I think since I've moved south it has made me stick up for myself more - its sad to say that the number of people who I meet who hear the accent and instantly assume I'm unintelligent is huge - the degree to which they do that determines my response. I love it when that happens though, rather than dive down their throats, I enjoy watching them squirm as they gradually realise I can run rings round them.
  3. Vive la difference, je dits. Mon ami.
  4. Don't most people? Wronguns I think deserve to be exposed personally. Know nowts I say nothing to them tell they contradict me, or are talking an unbelievable amount of bollocks, OOT's I just wind up. I remember Danny B saying I sounded like I was the happiest cunt he'd heard. I can't fake it. I wish I could but I can't, but when am in a shit mood I can't hide it. You're one of the happier people like I can feel it. Some people post and you just see their name you know it's not going to leave you smiling at the end though. Mentionin nee names, well I've mentioned most of them to be fair. Don't know who you mean
  5. We played a similar version of Kicky the Can- two teams took turns each kicking a tennis ball at the can which had as many lolly sticks on top as team members. Whichever team hit the can scattered, the others had to replace the can and sticks then get after them. If you were caught, ( 5 bats on the head) , you had to wait near the can. Team mates could free you by booting the can. Happy days
  6. You're not miserable Stevie, but you must admit you like a good moan about counts, wronguns, know-nowts, OOTs etc
  7. …because I was going to post that but bottled the ensuing shitstorm.
  8. Moi?? cheeky git! Actually I am in the kitchen LOL I have a desk out here with my PC on Equal rights and all that. Easy access to sammidge recipees!
  9. I'm surprised you're on here at this time of day tbh, unless you have a pc in the kitchen.
  10. You moaning about his post then TR?
  11. As a 10yr old I spent many hours fighting off hordes of beeatches playing Catchy Kissy. Life training.
  12. Wynner. Fat little fucker isn't he? He's the same age as me- 43 this year, looks 10 years older.
  13. No, the tubby in question played a decade after Quinn signed for us.
  14. Nyet. He sported a similar chin minge when wearing our colours.
  15. Is the difference between a Twat and a Cunt a fanny's hair's width?
  16. His downfall at Fat Club, that.
  17. Joining these, they have a reputation for coming from behind
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