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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Stevie's suspicious of cernts from South Gosforth.
  2. Isn't this the kid who used to date Cher, or something? Sonny Bono post ski crash
  3. Tori Spelling, hence why I posted
  4. You're not alone Stevie. Rocky Dennis springs to mind.
  5. Best of luck mate. What's on the menu? Edit; Your square pies would go down a bomb I reckon!
  6. Coincidentally, another utter waste of skin.
  7. Not at all but you clearly are. Alex claimed their was people on here that had lost their jobs because of the cuts not me. I was responding to the over the top statement that the lower classes have been savaged. All about context of the remark not that no one has been affected. So take your high horse and shove it up your arse. Even the examples you give, still don't relate to "posters on here having lost their jobs". I suppose we can't discuss racism in case someone on here knows a black person or religious fanatics in case someone knows a Muslim. Tit. "I'm alright Jack, fuck everybody else" Tories. To a tee TitCunt.
  8. There was a young fella called Fist Who wos always taken the pist He called me a dope So I jimmied his rope And now the dear chaps sadly mist. I rest my case.
  9. Only applies to those with brains. Grade A Tree is exempt. Poetry? Can't wait.
  10. You claim no-one on here has lost their job through cuts. Then when two of us respond you imply we are lying. Underneath all the nicey nicey family man shit, you're a grade A cunt aren't you?
  11. Who on here has lost their job because of the cuts? Thanks for the compliment? And I didn't say that nobody would be effected, the argument was about the lower classes being "savaged"......(as you know fine well btw). Three friends, one cousin. Sister in law's job in the balance. That do you? Tit
  12. What's worse is when a southerner doesn't even get it right: "Whey aye the lads!" "Fuck off you daft bastard" I've got no idea why they believe they're superior to us. I'm not intellectually intelligent, I'm above average, but nothing outstanding and I can honestly say people I've worked with in Newcastle through my life are generally more academically intelligent than people in London. So that's one thing. One thing and I'm just being honest here, hope nee one takes offence, they're more confident/full of themselves than we are in Newcastle just how I find it, and London's a beautiful city, but you're better off in Newcastle on 30k a year than 45k a year in London, like honestly. When I lived in London for a month when I was a youngun, I had to come home cos when I was waking up in the morning I didn't feel that I could settle there wasn't me, these days a week and two weeks at a time is enough. Don't get me wrong there's loads of mint people in London, and it's exciting but you get fuckin sick of it as well. I tell you what it is I could write 200 things literally to moan about London and people there. Easy Tiger!
  13. And everyone thought Parky was a mentalist. Has Blue Ray got owt go do with it?
  14. Just googled it. Aye, it's him. Wiki I am a sad bastard.
  15. Is that the Riddler off Batman on the left?
  16. You're spot on about Trainspotting mind.
  17. Stevie, It was the PM fists of fury that set me away there. Mental picture and that.
  18. It actually looks canny there.
  19. Just watched a thing about when Coke changed it's recipe- 79 days later, after mass protests , it changed back. If it ain't broke , DON'T FECKING FIX IT.
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