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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. He thinks you mean steal their packed lunch.
  2. Dust - Sellotape Wax - try putting absorbent paper, newspaper or the like, over the stain then rub it with a warm iron. Should lift the stain onto the paper.
  3. Dive head-first off the school roof. Everyone will love it and the girls will push your wheelchair if you manage to survive.
  4. Shite! I presume Raquel Cassidy floats your boat then?
  5. Nice one mate. When can we expect our invitations?
  6. He's off fir a piss, can we switch off the internets.
  7. Not convinced by any of this like. Strikes me that anyone who takes the scatter gun approach could win by trying to predict everything possible. For instance, Parky could get a point for both saying we have never been to the moon and also we have beeen to Jupiter with the help of aliens. We need some kind of negative marking system - if adopted I suspect the board leaders would get a net of zero just like me. Scatter gun… Were you hiding in the closet you perv?
  8. Left you a pressie in the Belta Minge thread Sweet Dreams young prince
  9. Tell you who deffo gets me going off t'telly - Bettany Hughes, the history wifey. Yum yum Watching her progs, you just know she is desperate to take more clothes off. Well, that's what I reckon anyhoo Agreed Mr. Hips. Here you go. Dig her trench.
  10. Don't be daft man Charvski! There's far worse been posted. Get it back up.
  11. First time I took Mrs. Fist up the Tradesmen's I said " This might smart at first" Can I have another point Chez?
  12. Whey aye! Go for it. Have a wetwank whilst you're at it.
  13. The Feyenoord game in the CL- a bunch of us watched it my pals house. They were all doom and gloom and nervous, I knew we'd win, and said so well before kick off. It wasn't one of those lucky guesses, I was absolutlely certain we'd win, when it went 2-2 everyone else was kicking off and shouting at the telly, as you do, but I had this zen calm. I just said " Calm down man, we'll win" Never been so sure of a game's outcome before or since. (Whenever we watch matches at my mates, she still insists I sit in the same place as that night. Never works).
  14. Exact same thing just now "IPS Driver Error There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here"
  15. I'd say he means he's got Jockish heritage.
  16. Keep trying, you might even get a token smile thrown in...... I laughed so hard a little bit of wee came out.
  17. Berwick would have to make their fucking minds up.
  18. I think I actually did a facepalm, dragged down the face groaning. I ended up hitching. I was 18 at the time, skint, it'd be a taxi now like.
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