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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. He raped you, didn't he. Theres no shame in it, you can tell us.
  2. "Used to"- important distinction. She clearly wants some Geordie action, proper "Fluck me " eyes in that pic.
  3. Jonathan Ross : "So,what do you miss about Liverpool?" Ringo Starr. : (Laughs) " Nothing. " De Livehpewl Echhho
  4. It doesn't matter what town or city you're in 10% of the population is gay. In a liberal forward thinking cosmopolitan toon like the toon, I'd imagine it's easy to come out the closet, "reet am bent", honestly if one of my mates had said that when they were 18 I'd have just went "ah whey". See these mackems though, the whole place is 50 years behind Tyneside, you'd be ostracised from society. Highlighted by the fact there's not even a gay bar in Sunderland to my knowledge and I used to work there, they all have to come to the toon. Wasn't the Fulwell End full of puffs?
  5. Ok, I'll ask… Have you banged her? Details.
  6. Yeah, he's right, we have no concert halls. Wait, *checks "wikileaks"* Next
  7. Imagine the spittle shower when toughguydafydd says wikileaks.
  8. Aye, we could all meet at the ground after a few beers and march there singing a few suitable songs get his marriage off properly like It'd be a Long March [/Mao] like.
  9. Pud will confirm I am not Shepherd, as he almost met me once Almost? Did you run away or something?
  10. CT in full mong mode. Like a slapped bitch.
  11. "When you're walking down the runway, what's going through your mind?" Couple of things I'd guess…
  12. Tbf I've never called you a 'cunt' even though we've had our differences for a few years now. Cunt or not, I still think we all want what's best by this club at the end of the day. We'd look right wankers wasting our time posting on here and arguing with each other otherwise. Did they let you out for good behaviour then? Welcome back mate
  13. I'd give you my list, but what's the point? We're all going to die eventually.
  14. ? What'd they do Am I just being thick as mince or have I missed summat?
  15. That's all you got Kevin? My advice- Stay on another year or two, it hasn't worked yet.
  16. You're giving me anal? :) .......so to speak
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