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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. By the looks of things, I'm getting a picture, a bloody big one to cover it. At least it wasn't Cock and Drops.
  2. What, you mean you don't? I wear a wig. It's the Final Countdooooowwnn!
  3. She's even less happy this morning, the faint outline of said C&B can be made out, looming above the dining table. Another coat should get it
  4. Rob's seething his thread has turned in the "Fish got bummed" thread. 6 points to everyone.
  5. I am cacking my ample pants. Will it be the Gay Death? No violence, just have my taste in clothing criticised until I die of shame.
  6. So, before you went on holiday with the new guy, did you meet up first for a drink and that to see how you'd get on? You know, a date.
  7. Here it is, Lennon clearly ducks ,causing the poor fan to fall over and recieve a nasty grass burn. What a cernt
  8. When he asked you for a "lotion" ,what did you say?
  9. Clearly flings himself at the foot much like this tit shoving his neck at Shearer's elbow
  10. It bores the fuck out of me. Mrs. Fist wasn't amused by my painting a huge cock and balls on the wall either. Latex gloves are the bomb.
  11. Ticket prices released for 2012 Paralympics; Free to spectators. Participants must pay. It'll cost them an arm and a leg.
  12. He threw his head at the fan's fist [/shearer].
  13. Decorating front room/dining room. Fucking sick of it now like.
  14. He's not on it! Bizarre. You'll like this though Clicky
  15. I googled Garth Crooks to post a pic of the fat bloater in Random Conversation. It led me to cunts corner. Sometimes I think there is a God.
  16. And if so, is this it? Stevie's homepage
  17. He's just read this, Crooks is not happy !
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