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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Good post there Pud. He's basically trying to run us like he runs his shops. Expect 2for1 offers on players by the end of the window.
  2. Without getting all preachy or owt, take a moment today to thank all those that gave everything so that we can have the choices we have today. D-Day, 67 years ago today
  3. He's fecking nappy happy man.
  4. Police stated the most disturbing aspect was the use of a teddy bear as the gag.
  5. *scene* Btw CT, reading the last few pages here, do you have periods too , you bloody massive woman? Given the number of bitches on here, I think theres a long queue ahead of me at the Tampax machine. Get her.
  6. The Child Catcher still scares the shit out of me… "Sweeeeties, Chiiildren" Wrongun.
  7. Oh dear run along with your ball little lad. I dont usually call people, get proved wrong and not have the good decency to apologise. Manners Tom, manners. Takes a big man and all that..... Ahem… I think, as usual, your eagerness to try and catch someone out, makes your posts weak at best. Barton was quite clearly one of the gang of four who "took control" of the team / dressing room etc following relegation. His lack of playing had no effect on his lack of "management" off the pitch, as commented on many times, Himself and the other three. The fact the senior players in question were Nicky Butt, Alan Smith, Kevin Nolan and Steve Harper seems to nullify that point of yours a little. Team Contrary
  8. Hopi does sign tbh. As far as his goal scoring, the Mohican get the better. As LTB said, if anyone can chuck a vid of him playing up it'd be nice to have a Pequot what he's capable of. Dance with Wolves.
  9. *scene* Btw CT, reading the last few pages here, do you have periods too , you bloody massive woman?
  10. Prone to suffering from Wounded Knee.
  11. Homies, Homos, or Homeless? Or all three?
  12. Please explain the vast difference between what HF quoted you as saying, and what you say you said. Cos I can't really see it.
  13. Direct quote from Ranger when asked out it by Henry Winter here
  14. Must try harder Leazes, baby! …Guess who
  15. Embrace the baldness! All the best chaps are shineheads.
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