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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Your safe, he's retired to be a house bitch.
  2. Get a taxi Leazes man you tightwad! Edit; I'm sure Foxhunters do a fixed price Town->Coast. 0191 2530777
  3. No bother, if that turns out to be no good, there's one in North Yorkshire, here 54 14 6.8 N / 0 58 11.4 W which looks the business. Bit further afield,North Yorkshire, but might be worth a try. clicky
  4. Bugger! The Morpeth one is at Tranwell, they have carboots there on sundays, but otherwise its empty. Looking at the pic, is the the car park/bootsale area big enough for what you're after? It'll be empty mon-saturday Tranwell airfield
  5. Brunton Airfield used to be accessible, not sure if it still is, have a look through these... northumberland airfields edit; looking through there, Ouston might be a possibility too..
  6. They'd be shipping them home in boxes if they ever went to Liverpool
  7. Out of interest Carroll40th, which side of the Mersey are you from?
  8. 54. If I'm wrong I'll change my mind. 42 tbh Show me a post where I said that Ford Prefect told me you said it. Sorry... what? I've dropped my Babel Fish
  9. 54. If I'm wrong I'll change my mind. 42 tbh Show me a post where I said that
  10. With that, he mounted his stallion and rode off into a warm, gorgeous sunset. New avatar for you Tex
  11. Olav to agree with you. This rumour is so daft I don't know where to Bergen. Rent-a-mongs will Lapp this up
  12. Yeah, the Blues Brothers version was a cover also and it was done back in the late 70's. Really old blues tune IIRC. Still my favorite film of all time: The Blues Brothers. Written by Lieber and Stoller in 1954 apparently
  13. Spent ages trying to think up a nice witty retort, problem is you are dead fucking right! Are you giving me gyp?
  14. Looks as natural as Jordan. Also fairly pointless if he sticks with the No.1 cut.
  15. For me the most worrying aspect of Ashley's poundshop policy is summedup in the last paragraph of Puds OP. We're already there imo, whenever a 'name' player is linked to us now, one of the most overwhelming responses is "Why would they come here?".
  16. Have Team Positive bought their season ticket yet, or is that a wee bit too positive?
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