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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What was his sig then chaps? I missed it , it seems.
  2. When he heard the news, Zippy was speechless.
  3. I'll take Midget Fist if CT will have Zippy
  4. :D :D Zoom in- ginger arse hairs poking out..... ...it's him!
  5. Zippy and George dead- fuck I feel old
  6. It's that generation man. They're not so much prejudiced they just don't like anyone who's not English. They're not so much vegetarians, they just don't eat meat
  7. I smell a poll Leave Nick out of it. :D :icon_lol: :D do you like butter substitute ?
  8. thats a parrot with a mind of his own Unlike most other birds
  9. :D Guess what midget chops, I'm only 5'7"
  10. He is in his Cuban Heels. How tall are you Wacky?
  11. I never swear in front of the laydeez, however, my parrot.....
  12. Forgot to add we will win silverware next season. This doesn't count
  13. What did signature 66 do to get rejected then Stevie?
  14. Can't believe we've had a page and a bit of floater talk and no-one's posted the obvious.. It's past lunchtime , so here you go Real Floaters
  15. No fat, No tear ducts..... Lean mean ginger machine
  16. Were you the big ginger who battered Ajax Andy in 5-a-side Gemmill?
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