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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The walk in to the crags at El Chorro, Spain. Bolas de acero!
  2. I shall be youtubing Milton presently LTB. Thankyee Sah!
  3. as long as ive got a hole in me arse its not gonna happen Nick - deal with it . (the wage thing that is . not the hole in me arse) Nick now furiously praying you have a colostomy.
  4. I had the worst Nightmare last night, It didn't scare me at all. I bought a new aftershave today, It smells of breadcrumbs.. The birds love it! Later, I'm going to be the brightest star in the night sky. What?? I'm Sirius.
  5. How does he clean " Wadds was Here" boards like?
  6. You live in the Beetham Mancy? Swanky devil.
  7. It's the Beetham in Manchester, isn't it? Tricky one that. Unless theres a cradle rail underneath the overhangs, you'd struggle to abseil the lower sections. Assuming there is , I'd guess 4 men would take 5 days , so around £5000-6000, including enormo-testes allowance.
  8. Don't imagine this applies to your boys, hanging off the side of high rises in your sex harnesses. Special PPE makes the day go faster Samuel
  9. You couldn't afford me sweetie.
  10. Sooooo , best hope none of our remaining MF get any injuries… … or sold.
  11. Oh Captain, my Captain… Who'll take the armband then? Barton, if he stays? Collocini? Fuck me,please not Sherla
  12. Ah- religion. " You must suffer because I believe in fairytales" basically.
  13. Works anarl. They charge 50p in Killy btw I know the approximate area Burradon is but not exactly. It's between Crammy and Gossy Park and Killingworth, somewhere in that triangle. Beside Dudley maybe? Follow your nose
  14. The only argument you seem to hear about it is that it could be open to abuse.… … well, aye, it could. But the people who would choose to "off" their relatives to gain financially are likely to do it anyway imo. And I'm pretty certain fairly stringent procedure would be implemented , were it to be made legal in the UK.
  15. Missed the Pratchett programme , but I'm a strong believer in assisted euthanasia. Seen several relatives and family friends suffer horribly, when all they wanted was a swift, dignified end. As has been said, we put dogs out of their misery, can we not extend the same humanity to ourselves.
  16. I drive a taxi, and I think Gardyola is a shit manager. Who is he anyway…
  17. Never really had an opinion on McLeish either way, but I hope he is a fucking disaster if Villa tap him up. Horrible boring cunts that they are.
  18. Dogtown and Z-Boys Riding Giants The Two Escobars Riding Giants is superb. Dude.
  19. Back on topic though, it's a risky move by Cardiff, but if, as mentioned, Shearer gets the right team around him then who knows? Wonder if he'll bring Dowie in again. Good Luck to him. And Hughton at Brum if whispers are to be believed.
  20. I'd suggest that the next time Mrs.CT whips out the Mandingo strap-on and makes hubby's bitch-tits oscillate, hubby refrains from taking it out on t'interweb. But that would be unkind of me. Team Strap-on.
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