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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Travaille pas ce Samedi Vieux Haricot.
  2. I never said money wasn't important. I'm sure Rooney is happy with his riches, he has worked hard to be a top footballer. But his heart doesn't play for Man United, anyone who thinks that is talking shite. Only one tit on this board obsessed with money mate. Who's the spudheed in your pic? Re. Marveaux, good to see incoming early in the transfer window. Since I know less than CT about Wor Sylvain, I'll not get "over tired" just yet. il est impossible! D'accord.
  3. I never said money wasn't important. I'm sure Rooney is happy with his riches, he has worked hard to be a top footballer. But his heart doesn't play for Man United, anyone who thinks that is talking shite. Only one tit on this board obsessed with money mate. Who's the spudheed in your pic? Re. Marveaux, good to see incoming early in the transfer window. Since I know less than CT about Wor Sylvain, I'll not get "over tired" just yet.
  4. Give this lad a ring, my mate owns it ( called Cliff, I shit thee not), get an indoor/outdoor climbing party booked http://www.roxcool.co.uk/ Based in your neck of the woods to.
  5. BBC4 now. Radiohead at Glast.97. Still 40 mins left.
  6. Buffoons, you buffoon. Has he put a transfer request in yet?
  7. :D Thank fuck i'll never be at any of your birthdays. If you were my son, I wouldn't invite you. Back in your box Flipper.
  8. When is her birthday CT? Cant you work out a group deal at Sooth Sheels fair? Then picnic on the beach?
  9. I was about to suggest the old fashioned option. Would earn you Retro points amongst the Boldon Housefathers Club too- double bonus.
  10. You won't smell it with your face pushed into the pillows
  11. Home - Lavazzo Rossa, Carte Noir Graft- Nescafe. Tea = devils pisswater… unless it's with fish and chips, when it acts as a gob degreaser.
  12. Sand & Gravel 16/1. Wouldn't put my house on it though. Full Stop 7/2. Good finisher Billy Ocean 5/1. Strong bet when the going is tough.
  13. You just don't get it at all do you? As explained in the Liverpool thread there is lots more to Liverpool than the Beatles, although they are a gigantic draw. Does it matter what attracts people to a city btw? Do you not have signs saying 'Welcome to Catherine Cookson country'? These are mostly free entrance but Liverpool does ok on this list as well, and as you can see, not a Beatle place in sight. In fact National Museums Liverpool are the only national ones outside of London in this country. Visitor Stats You what ? Just for clarity, are you saying the only "National" museums outside of London are in Liverpool?
  14. The "orange juice , concentrate" gag makes me giggle every time
  15. Not like you to tell fibs mind Petal.
  16. What's your username over there?
  17. It's Friday, it's 5oclock… Only jesting Fishy Old Boy, the Canadian chap? He's very good. Me likey.
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