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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Harper's due one, the goal shy bastard.
  2. The Florida park is Disney World, the cheap French knock off is Disneyland Had a blonde moment.
  3. You can't even attempt when you've been on the drink the night before, I can never fart with confidence at such times. Sounds like a bag of jelly dropped on a bass drum?
  4. My party piece is deeing Baker Street to the record. You'll be popular in Powerhouse with control like that.
  5. Aye, Muller one is great. Also… And
  6. Flight of the Bumblebee is just asking for a follow-thru mind.
  7. Best way to be. When you stop laughing at people tripping up in the street, and stories about people falling through, there's nee turning back from being a miserable cunt. I still strike a ninja pose to fart , which my Mrs. & daughter find childish and hilarious respectively.
  8. A blonde is driving through Florida to Disneyland. As she approaches the freeway exit she sees a sign "Disneyland Left" Devastated,she heads home.
  9. I've heard whispers there's a new eaterie in North Shields. Hoose de Gémmille.
  10. Black Door @ Biscuit Factory is a favourite. Clicky Hana Hana tepanyaki is good fun if there's a few of you.
  11. Second hand oral hygiene products, mmmm… Swap you for last years keks.
  12. Not twitter, but seen just now by my very own Baby Blues; a certain Hoover-nosed Dipper veteran heading south down St. James Boulevard in his privately plated Range Rover Sport. Reg: F8WLER. Someone please tell me he's retired and only in town to score some "Touchline Paint"
  13. ditch the tissues, use the curtains....... cheap night in
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