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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. So he’ll be starting on Tuesday night.
  2. Got asked to work today, expecting it to be driving. Nope- full warehouse stock-take. Since I can’t drive a forklift, didn’t have a scanner, and all the driving was covered, I was sent out to pick up the mid morning bacon butties order, but otherwise was like a spare dick at an orgy. All on double-time So, picked up this at Aldi on the way home along with burger makings for tea tonight. Its not a patch on a proper Belgian Trippel, but at £3:49 a 750ml bottle (6%), it’s perfectly neckable and not too bad at all. ( Obviously, I got more than one- double time, double ale ).
  3. I haven’t got over Hughie Gallagher going to Chelsea.
  4. That was a fucking outstanding game mind. Shearer was rent-free in Keane’s head.
  5. I’d already had 50 bags of compost slide off their pallet on Stepney Bank by this point. I was firmly in “ Meh, fuck it “ mode.
  6. This 700+kg pallet of Chinese comestibles. LIP What a fucking day
  7. He’s suggesting you prepare a crustacean to be cooked over an open fire, love.
  8. Which suggests this is from Chicken Nonce. Who is never right. Time to worry lads.
  9. Aye. We are their bitch now. Top job, right-wing cunts, top job.
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