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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. My cousin is married to Steve Watson. Shearer got Rob Lee slaughtered at the reception, as he'd made his England debut/ scored for England , can't remember which. Was a stack players at the do, all top chaps.
  2. "Nee surprise, them wallpushers aren't mine, that other cunt is responsible for them". Buddha?
  3. Since I was born in Dryburn Hospital, Durham, I'm outing myself here. Moved to Longbenton when I was 3 months old.
  4. Commando is 50 - BBC news site I had no idea it was still published tbh. Loved it.
  5. It was the crack that made me sign up. I've been clean and sober 2 years now, but still post.
  6. Lets just say it was an exciting game. Why I threw the pie away Bit salty was it?
  7. I did not know you were a student there Roberto
  8. http://www.statto.com/football/teams/newca...83-1984/results How did we do when you lost your virginity? Beat Portsmouth 4-1 away Reeee- sult! (Kevin, I'll resurrect this thread in a year or two and you can join in;) )
  9. …Which is kinda the point of nicknames- you don't give yourself them, they are given to you. Edit; another explanation of "Geordie" is that it became our nickname because of our loyalty to the Crown ( George II) during the Jacobite Rebellion in 1745. The Light Brigade....
  10. When Owen scored against the mackems during Keegan's second spell, I was so excited I chucked me pie. Hit this really ugly fucker iirc.
  11. Opening game of 68/69 season. 10/08/1968. Drew 1-1 at home v Wisthaaam. I was exactly 1 month old. I was 11 months and a day old when we won the Fairs cup, on the same date as my son's birthday.
  12. Opened the fridge to make a salad just now, and I swear I could hear the Bee Gees singing in there … … it was just some Chive Talking.
  13. Sorry Gloomy, have to call you there.… You don't call that a "bottom". It's a butt,an ass,an arse,a tush. But not a "bottom".
  14. He's just a poor boy From a poor family Bamp
  15. Intelligent Design my big hairy hoop! An intelligent designer would've made babies come with teeth in situ.
  16. Aye, when you look at his reputation, it doesn't stand up.
  17. I don't believe that's he's as dedicated to physics as people think… … they have to drag him out of bed to go to work every morning.
  18. second pic He's just seen his doppelgänger. Oh no… wait … it's only David Coverdale
  19. Whut goggle? Me no unnerstan. Btw, typed in patronising wanker, got this Highly apt.
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