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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Passed Leazes' gaff yesterday, he's made sure he'll be getting no more ragheed propaganda menus.
  2. Monkeys Fist


    My cat preferences are;
  3. A ban, even temporary, is perhaps a bit harsh. Could have this as their ava & sig for the time alloted
  4. "When I get me moped out on the road oym gonna royd royd royd" Jasper Carrot. One for the older listeners There are so many things I hate about him,I don't know where to start
  5. In the close season the single thing football fans discuss most is transfers either done deals or rumours. One or two things from so called ITK's may come off but I would say a majority ain't got a clue. Most names linked to NUFC will get debated on here as will where we need to strengthen and who should/shouldn't be sold. It would be pretty quiet on here without the twitter and transfer threads tho. If you can think of anything that would spark a good discussion then stick it up PM from Smooth Operator on its way....
  6. We should burro him for the season, on loan.
  7. Such an ass No need to be all donkey-haughty. He-aw he-aw he always is.
  8. Yes, they clearly can. Is it your birthday soon? I forget.…
  9. All that garden jazz and no external power point. Tsk tsk. Don't be giving him ideas man! CT joins Team DIY.
  10. RIP CT ashes to be scattered outside Boldon Kebab House.
  11. It gets better , band is The Flower Power. :smoke:
  12. All that garden jazz and no external power point. Tsk tsk.
  13. Monkeys Fist


    Go and have a look at some at Sandy Lane. Clicky
  14. Monkeys Fist


    Vango is a decent " proper" tent maker. Gelert are the cheaper end of the Market. If you've never been before, I'd go with your Mrs' plan and borrow the kit first.
  15. Monkeys Fist


    Comes naturally to us superstars. That Pooley Bridge site looks top notch JawD. Looking for somewhere end of August for the fambly , that looks ideal.
  16. Monkeys Fist


    Where did you stay? So many places are arsey about having a real fire and tbh, camping aint camping without a real fire. (And some woman screaming about mice, creepy crawlies etc) List of fire friendly campsites here. Scroll down past the French sites for NE & NW sites. I can recommend Lanefoot site near Keswick, if you book ahead, they'll provide a tractor wheel on your pitch to use as a fire pit.
  17. Monkeys Fist


    Some camping essentials for you CT.
  18. One has history, architecture , character and general class. The other used to make glass.
  19. You could see pubes if you looked really closely Stuck to the page?
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