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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Kevin's nickname amongst the female Derryites is Just In. Synchronicity
  2. He'd look like an extra from Bugsy Malone. Everybody loves that man. First and last time Jodie Foster took one in the face, that film. Edit; Silence of the Lambs, I know ! Fuck off pedants
  3. Doctor Who would come down on you like a ton of bricks. See what you mean though. What to choose though, something like you've mentioned, or a "greater good" type of thing, like eliminating Hitler, setting off the fire alarms early in the WTC or something?
  4. Wrong. It was me that gave you that name first. What's the story then Chez?
  5. I salute your noble gesture Craig. Derry's landlords however…
  6. All you'd find out there is if he shot. Not if he did it alone. Yo want to be by the Grassy Knoll If I talk to the fucker and distract him he can't fire a shot off, can he? If Kennedy still dies he wasn't working alone I'd stand just before Deeley Plaza, holding up this
  7. Just to be clear, I fully support the strike action, and the reasons for it. (Yes,even the teachers) I have 3 sisters in law, two of them nurses, one a year head teacher, and wouldn't fancy either job. My earlier post was merely to say that I think getting a day off on term time for The Wedding, since it was during half term, is a bit of a piss take.
  8. Where is the little turd? You'd a thought he'd be all over this like a rash. (when you letting him back on Craig )
  9. Coffee never makes me aggressive like. And I'll twat anyone that says it does.
  10. Wow. Fish in full combat mode.
  11. Happy 18th daft lad. Here's a nice pair of tits for you
  12. Happy Birthday you little tit. Don't strain your elbow.
  13. Happy Birthday you decrepit old git
  14. Think yourself lucky they don't pronounce it "Minz" They almost do. The irony is not lost on me.
  15. Monkeys Fist


    And stove, and sleeping bags, and inflatable matresses, and coolboxes,and……
  16. have y got strippaaz on n that ? Pound in the pint glass types on a Saturday lunch. Have to strap their gammon to their thigh?
  17. Think yourself lucky they don't pronounce it "Minz"
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