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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Monkeys Fist


    Now thats funny I am inside your head. I can control your actions
  2. Kevin's going to get drunk on his first night, then spunk all his money on a tranny hooker. Rest of the week on hotel rations and free museums.
  3. Monkeys Fist


    CT " What you doing?" Random " Packing up, the weather forecast says heavy rain, thunder and floods for the next week" CT " OOOOO, TEAM NEGATIVE!!"
  4. The Illuminati are going to be seriously pissed they didn't make the 10.
  5. I was going to vote in your humble, low paid working class poll Meenzer , but I can't as I broke my toe.
  6. Monkeys Fist


    I'll bet our friend from Boldon is a "talker". Cheeky fuck I'm right though, aren't I ?
  7. Kevin takes it anywhere he can get it. I fear for his anus in Amsterdam.
  8. Monkeys Fist


    I'll bet our friend from Boldon is a "talker".
  9. Took my little daughter swimming at Killingworth pool today. Johnny Wilkinson was there having a swim with his mate. The size of him surprised me, guess because he's relatively small compared with his teammates, but he's some size! Edit; my mother in law has also said she now wants to come swimming, scruffy old mare.
  10. Kevin, don't sell your body to get holiday cash. Even at that price. What would your mam say? Remember Kev…
  11. I remember watching that fight with my uncle. Wasn't just beercans, didn't a few seats go in too? Shameful Hagler, Hearns, Duran, Sugar Ray. What a great time that was for the division
  12. Puts tonight shenanigans in perspective mind. Hagler was mint, wasn't he?
  13. Like some old Eastenders boiler
  14. That's what they want you think.
  15. Whoa, back up a minute there Tonto! Didn't say I wouldn't. Just saying she's a bit jawbone.
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