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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Shhh! You'll spoil the love-in , man!
  2. Are there many managers who have much more control? I doubt there are many premiership managers with less say. imo we have a contintental system, which was the original idea when Ashely came on board, where the manager coaches/picks the team and the transfers/infrastructure issues are handled by a director of football. Our director of football used to be Wise and is now Derek Llambias. In reality I expect Pardew has an input on what's needed but not much more than that. I expect Graham Carr has a major say but I suspect it's the brains trust of Llambias and Ashley that's shaping the squad and our transfer policy. This is all purely conjecture on my part of course but I just get the feeling about Pardew that he's a bullshitter. He always seems to be catching up on the news - Carroll, Barton, Enrique, Nolan etc - as though he's had no real involvement in decisions. Nailed by Kitman. Thought this when he jumped into Hughton's grave, think it now, seen nothing to make me think otherwise. Re. the continental system , I agree Kitman, the truly worrying thing is that it does appear that the Toxic Twins are acting DOF's. My blood runs cold.
  3. "Your order for 3x Meat Feast Stuffed Crust, 2x Large Doner ( everything on) and Large chips is on it's way. Your account "Usainbolt@SJP" has been debited £25.00"
  4. Nice to see Jimbo's fully integrated into the neighbourhood.
  5. All was not well on board the USS Magpie. Chief Engineer Fat Dekka had just received orders from the Fat One to eject surplus players. "She cannae take much more , ya fat twat!"
  6. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=930714
  7. Cheers for that Morningwood HQ.
  8. Three if they slide tackle Slug trails.
  9. Extreme Dieting with CT Extreme Hide and Seek with Osama.
  10. Still got to budget my little chum You're thinking you'll get a hooker like this You can afford this. At least she'll take her teeth out.
  11. I'd watch that if Hermione was on it. [/ wrongun]
  12. €64 a day. I'd take 7 envelopes, split your money into your daily nudget, and leave them in the hotel safe. If you have any left over each day, put it in your last nights envelope. Good luck. The free museums I mentioned, you're going to need them to pass the days, unless you're planning on spending 7 days in your hotel scratcher pulling yourself raw over all the fit Dutch birds.… at least that'll be cheap
  13. Here to help ,you little shitbox. How long you going for?
  14. aaaful them like Kinda thing Richard Hammond would wear to drop a caravan off a cliff or drive up a slope in a monster truck or whatever the fuck it is he does for a living . MancMag will have your eye out with them.
  15. Has he filled out his E1-11? Does Londonderry have a Clap Clinic?
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