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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Monkeys Fist


    Next week CT will be telling us we're all doing it wrong by living under bricks and mortar.
  2. I dig holes and fill them with water for a living. It's well boring.
  3. Once a week I have a neck & upwards hair purge. Hair trimmers, noseclippers, ear defuzzers and then an all over shave. I'm convinced male baldness is not dieing hair follicles, the bastards just change direction.
  4. With his dying breath "Tell....the internet!" This thread man,
  5. Pancetta in to it Meenzer. Everything tastes better with piggy in.
  6. The Hat man Sammy, you forgot the hat. Wearing the Hat CT, or it's null and void.
  7. It gets into your head. I was fuckkng outraged when Chris & Poi got shunted.
  8. Monkeys Fist


    Cut your Tongue out then shoot yourself. Job done ( Team ________)
  9. Northumbrian. Fuck the lot of them.
  10. Naturally I think that view is pants, however its been done to death in three different threads every week for years so cant be arsed to do it again. And yet you do, like clockwork.
  11. The ability to laugh at oneself is crucial.
  12. You seem to miss your own basic poit CT. "A club aiming for success" There's the difference between us and Man U Arsenal etc. Our transfer policy is aimed primarily towards Fatty recouping his initial investments by cutting costs. Theirs is towards success.
  13. Happy Birthday you fruity dog. You will find a strange attraction to camping now you're in your Thirties Edit; Almost forgot, you share a birthday with my daughter, Annie, she's 4 today. :cake:
  14. Monkeys Fist


    Fish goes camping
  15. That is absolutely deplorable. Whichever low life gave the go ahead for this ought to drummed out of the business. … but they won't be.
  16. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?...st&p=931438 Satan's Squirrel is coming for you! Sorry Henda, couldn't resist.
  17. Are there many managers who have much more control? I doubt there are many premiership managers with less say. imo we have a contintental system, which was the original idea when Ashely came on board, where the manager coaches/picks the team and the transfers/infrastructure issues are handled by a director of football. Our director of football used to be Wise and is now Derek Llambias. In reality I expect Pardew has an input on what's needed but not much more than that. I expect Graham Carr has a major say but I suspect it's the brains trust of Llambias and Ashley that's shaping the squad and our transfer policy. This is all purely conjecture on my part of course but I just get the feeling about Pardew that he's a bullshitter. He always seems to be catching up on the news - Carroll, Barton, Enrique, Nolan etc - as though he's had no real involvement in decisions. Nailed by Kitman. Thought this when he jumped into Hughton's grave, think it now, seen nothing to make me think otherwise. Re. the continental system , I agree Kitman, the truly worrying thing is that it does appear that the Toxic Twins are acting DOF's. My blood runs cold. Agree almost entirely with you both but for me Graham Carr is now the DoF....in charge of recruitment, which was I think Dennis Wise's title, or at least part of it. Carr is now the most important figure on the football side of the club. He seems to have a good eye for a player, and he'll scout them and perhaps even make the "official" first move for a player, probably by having a word with the player's agent. If the response is positive, I imagine lambchop then tries to sort a deal with the player's club. Whether Pardew has issued a "I want a player for this posistion or who can do this or that for the team" list is pretty much unknowable. I tend to agree though Pardew seems to be dealing with the hand he is being dealt and being a diplomat in return for a shot at the biggest job of his career. Think back to his press conference when he joined to see how much support he enjoys from the upper echelons of the club, even at the start of his tenure here. A puppet in all but name. The system works well on the continent in certain cases, it is the system thet made Lyon go from a nothing 2nd division club in 1989 to being one of the top sides in Europe for almost a decade,from a relatively "poor" league too. And it is undoubtedly the case that rich owners want more control over expenditure. Steve Kean is in a similar positon if you ask me, but Steve Bruce would walk if he couldnt choose his own players and it undoutedly contributed to Alex McLeish leaving Birmingham. I doubt if Grant had much say in who came in last January at West Ham, according to the non-bearded dildo seller's comments on relegation anyway.At West Ham and Blackburn it would appear that the board go straight to the agents and say "who can you get me?" and look at where West Ham ended up and listen to Blackburn's fans fears for the coming season. It appears to be a road we may be heading down too....the only possible saving grace is Graham Carr is a "football man" (so was Kevin Keen at West Ham mind) but it doesn't alter the fact that if we're bottom of the league at xmas Pardew will in all likelyhood be given his cards and he'll not have had much of a say in who is in the team he's picking each week. But he's made his own bed so I guess he and us will all have to fuckin lie in it Quality post
  18. Howay man CT. Thats Cabaye. Keep up ffs.
  19. Mah memory has just been sold Angel is the centrefold Angel is the centrefold That's the most sensible post of the thread.
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