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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. All is now dandy in Fistland.
  2. This story is the dogs bollocks. Filthy bitch.
  3. I'm obviously far too nice for my own good then (which tbh I've always suspected). Congratulations mate, now you need to make your plans for how to get a turd parcel into the A/C duct. Go out with a whiff
  4. Is this the first foreign Club Captain we've had?
  5. Hoppy Burpday Craig. Make merry with sack & capon.
  6. Good for Colo, (not that there were many candidates left).
  7. I find it hard to get hugely upset about the £35million, mainly because I never once believed we'd see much of it. Hand on heart, who did?
  8. How many men would it take to clean a tiled floor 30ft x 25ft? None, it's women's work.
  9. The horrible witch has cost this country fuck knows how many hundreds of millions of pounds, the housing situation,combined with massive unemployment, led to the emergence of Benefit culture, people living their entire adults off the State. It always makes me laugh/seeth when the Tories have a go at "benefit scroungers", they created the fuckers ! God I detest that woman with a passion.
  10. Since being diagnosed with Alzheimers, Glenn Cambell has been overwhelmed by the support shown him. He's getting cards and letters from people he don't even know.
  11. Well she fucked them unions alright and thanks to Maggie you've got employment agencies all over the shop making money out of poor cunts just trying to make a living and companies hiring and firing on a whim as its been made so easy for them, (most of these blokes are earning far less then permanent employees). Maggie also privatised the utilities and made a quick and easy buck and encouraged people to buy shares and get mortgages so they'd have have to work no matter what, (hence the poor buggers working for these agencies on little more than the minimum wage because they'll be chucked out their home by the bank if they spend time looking for a proper job). Basically a company can do whatever the fuck they like, I should know, 2 bastard days notice of a change in shift pattern and £260 a month pay cut and a completely lacklustre response from a joke union. We've the best economy in Europe I believe, or we had the best economy in Europe. We've also got the worst working conditions and work the longest hours and if told to eat shit, must sit down and open wide and swallow it all. The lengths this fucker went to nail the Miners was unreal, Policemen made fortunes as she more or less matched every striker with a cunt with a baton and a licence to use it at some picket lines. She had the backing in the media of utter cunts like Kelvin Mckenzie demonising any fucker who had sympathies to the miners or was anti-Thatcher. In the North-East orders for ships never seemed to go to Tyneside as there was no way it could gain any votes for her up here if she or her party did. Unemployment in the North-East was a 'price worth paying', her mate Tebbit told people like my dad to 'get on their bikes' and look for a job, when people affected by closing down their industries complained they were just 'moaning minnies'. She was no friend to the working man nor the North-East. Get in there my son, give the dying face bitch it where it hurts Post of the decade from Walkerville's answer to Wolfie Smith Seriously, Howman is completely correct about all this. If you in any way get your hands dirty for a living in this country you're treated like fuckin shite and it all goes back to Thatcher. Superb. Simply superb. I also blame her directly for the creation of the " underclass" in this country. By not replacing the social housing she sold off, the housing stock was , and still is, woefully inadequate. This led to sink estates growing where once thriving communities existed. I've said before, and will say again, when she goes Downstairs to meet her hero, I'll be making a trip to piss on her grave.
  12. Monkeys Fist


    I'd say you need one of these tbh. Pissing it down this weekend.
  13. Do you like noodles Wrong man. Isn't it Ayatollah Hermione who munches noodle?
  14. How would Ramses II compare to modern day builders? Did T-Rex taste like chicken?
  15. I think you might mean Stuart. Unless there's been some liaison with the bloke out of Rear Window that I'm unaware of.
  16. I think looking like horses is one of the few prerequisites. FYP
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