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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I occasionally get problems loading threads on my iPhone. No trouble on my Pc.
  2. If Jesmond, I'd take on 100+ no bother. Walker, maybe 10.
  3. La di da. Actually,you're right. just read the blurb inside. Tasting notes : Look for Leather, tobacco and roasted nuts. Fuck. Off. It's fucking chocolate. Alex gave me a whisky book and one of the tasting notes inside it was something like 'old brass fittings in a smoke filled pub'. I've not been able to find it since since but he'll no doubt remember the whisky it was. Mental image of Oz Clark, whiskied up, licking the fixtures in the Clachaig before being unceremoniously hoyed oot.
  4. Self deprecating Scouse wit, like it.
  5. La di da. Actually,you're right. just read the blurb inside. Tasting notes : Look for Leather, tobacco and roasted nuts. Fuck. Off. It's fucking chocolate.
  6. Co` latha breith sona dhuibh! …
  7. Fucking Nom di Nom. It was a b'day pressie btw. Fuck you very much
  8. Is he also being arse raped in Dogsterdam?
  9. Just had some of this. It's absolutely sublime.
  10. Go to the Bigg Market and catch a dose. Try the Cluny for live music/ale. And you must have a ham Stottie.
  11. He does post quality on a fregula basis mind.
  12. It's taken you 3 years to work that out Leazes? Keep up Old Chap. I'd also buy you a bacon gun btw.
  13. Some of the posts he pennes are pasta best.
  14. All the usual stuff, sort friends and family out, build Fist Towers on Northumberland, and Chateau Poing in the Ardeche. World travel with my family would be the best education my kids could get. I'd also have 1 utterly ridiculous extravagance, like only wearing finest silk kegs and binning them after 1 wear, or have my own toast chef.
  15. His religion is FuSilli buggers, like Gemell(i).
  16. Had a couple of good bits mind "Good Moaning " etc
  17. Monkeys Fist


    Scouser says take,it means something entirely different.
  18. I know exactly how she feels.
  19. Monkeys Fist


    Kevin confusing "camp" with " gay". Hardly surprising since he's "uit de kast" Dutch experience.
  20. Monkeys Fist


    Cracking pics CT, you missed one though.
  21. "Friesh with dat Shir?"
  22. Have you seen the ring around Uranus? (believe it or not, the above image was taken by the Keck Telescope )
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