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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. And I've only just realised Tony Danza is it. Fuckity Doo Dah.
  2. Watching Crash ( the one with Don Cheadle and Thandi Newton). Forgot how good a film it is.
  3. Ahem… Wordplay… Drunken sluts. Where are they?
  4. One for the older gents on here "Ooonly the crumbliest…"
  5. The only culprit I'd say. Deadman seems pretty capable of standing his ground without help tbh. I find your assumption he needs you to stick up for him as insulting as Kevin's juvenile digs. But what do I know ?
  6. Being a winda washa, should you not be capable of providing more photos for our amusement while dangling from your rope. How d'you like them apples?
  7. Kevin you patronising little pervert, go fuck yourself. Try getting your kicks out of me instead . . . You sexy bitch J69.
  8. Fist! There's nothing fun about those cunts. T'aint what they do, it's the way that they do it.
  9. I know who they were man! Mike, Dekka, Pards… innit.
  10. I was thinking more Fun Boy 3 ,Sammy.
  11. So can we expect a letter from some angry Mackem, protesting about being called a six-fingered ,sister fucking , Neanderthal being libellous? Oh wait, libel means …
  12. Only if you let him blow your flute.
  13. Certainly won't be NOTW hacks, will it?
  14. in my defence m'lud , I was up at 2am to drive to Brum via a job in Toon.… but I am a fuckwit. Gene Clark , Ho hum. (Prepares for backlash from S****e )
  15. A bit to long hair persian for my liking. Back in the day man, give the dirty cow a break. You clearly weren't brought up on that shit? Those of us who grew up with "paper" porn will be more used to the "gutted rabbit" style of downstairs shrubbery. Ah, those halcyon days of finding a stash of dog eared mags under some shrubbery in the local park Sticky Bags.
  16. Fuck me, touchy bastard. Must've ran out of Buckfast. Can we have a sweep on who posted the above gem? Was it S****e?
  17. We're long overdue a ditty for Pardew. Might I suggest this…
  18. A bit to long hair persian for my liking. Back in the day man, give the dirty cow a break. You clearly weren't brought up on that shit? Those of us who grew up with "paper" porn will be more used to the "gutted rabbit" style of downstairs shrubbery.
  19. Having arrived in Brum, my least favourite city in the UK, it's pissing down, I'm knackered already, and I'm here til Friday. Pissing fucksticks.
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