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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Or Wyn's face photoshopped onto a pope statue Wyn fellating a statue of the pope with Mogwai poking out of his bottom? Btw, the band or the furry beastie? There'd be room for both in truth.
  2. Thanks for that mental image. It's breakfast time over here man
  3. Well, it wasn't me who drove him out. Correct Nick. It was his racist abuse of NUFC players, threats to rape people, etc wot did it M'lud.
  4. Walt Disney! George Washington! General Patton! John Wayne! Teddy Roosevelt! President Kennedy! Marilyn Monroe! Barak Obama - can you hear me, Barak Obam? Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Premier League Champions elect. Now I am become Shola, destroyer of nets.
  5. Just wondered, since Rapey is on a 5 year contract, has he moved up here? Hmmm?
  6. Do you think it's time to re-air the city landmarks comparisions that went on last year? I think it's always "re-air the city landmarks comparisions that went on last year" time Newcastle Upon Tyne 1-0 Albania on Wear
  7. Don't know what you're on about?
  8. Said it in his own thread. Deadman is the spitting dabs of Ted Bovis.
  9. They are amazing shotsFish. Love stuff like that. Even though every time I read the thread title I think of this.
  10. I'll give her a call. Me back's knacking.
  11. Link isn't working. Can you maybe describe them to me ?
  12. I'm looking at that sentence, seeing Fist lurking and waiting for the payoff. Edit; go on- google " rub her curtains".
  13. "…One charming motherfucking pig!"
  14. Vive la difference! Btw here's the hottest Baconophobe on the planet … Yes, she's Jewish.
  15. RIP Tore. Can NUST do anything re. organising some mark of respect?
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