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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I need some new shorts. Tip; always post in the nip.
  2. BBC News; Light Aircraft crashes into 2 houses in Salford, Manchester. It's estimated to have caused thousands of pounds worth of improvements.
  3. There's not really a bad view in the ground tbh. Which means we can all see you sneaking out when you're 3-1 down
  4. Someone spell this out for me… is Tioté being refused a visa to re-enter the UK? If so, why?
  5. I know this place is one the most relaxed boards around, but really, confusing Halle Berry with the Pig Faced Stick is unforgivable. Ban hammer. Its fully justified here.
  6. Come sit in our end. You'll love it.
  7. I wouldn't even touch it for the first ten minutes, i'd just sniff it.
  8. Ah, BBC3..… cheers but.… nah.
  9. Would you … …last more than 2 minutes?
  10. I was going to say, tranny alert is blaring. What programme was it Meenz?
  11. Sunderland Air Show- is it a coincidence that sunlin's most popular event involves standing with your back to the city, looking out to sea? I think not.
  12. I intended to reply to the thread title....but I can't choose Choose? Come on man, woman man. Theres only me , beating them off with a shitty stick. Purrrrrrr What he said
  13. I intended to reply to the thread title....but I can't choose Choose? Come on man, woman man. Theres only me , beating them off with a shitty stick.
  14. He's now convinced himself he hasn't missed a game since 1755.
  15. "What do we want?" "A cure for Tourettes" "When do we want it?" "Cunts!"
  16. Big in Japan. To be Honest I reckon DEADMAN's been turning a Japanesey this afternoon. Hi de huuuunnnnghhhhggrrrr Bayyyyby BAYBEH! One of THE great vocal performances. One of the most underrated vocal and performance artists on the planet. Currently appearing at Salford Buffs, every Tuesday before the bingo.
  17. of course, but there a lot, lot more who have no interest in the country than you think, they are the silent majority. Some of you on here appear to think that because they say nothing, they are not there, but they are, ignoring it or pretending it is not there is easier. Genuine question here: how do you know? I'd be far more inclined to believe it if I knew how come you're so sure. it's true, but you don't expect the govt to make such figures available. Do you ? I'm asking how you know. That's all. this one seems to have gotten lost in the mire. I'm also genuinely interested in the answer. leazes? Life experience.
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