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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Tell you what, Beeny would still get it. Baggy minge or not.
  2. Anyone heard owt about us getting Rob Greene?
  3. Bet you he comes back looking like Winehouse. Braped.
  4. Agreed. The narcoleptic one, is that the one where the school girl who likes dancing just falls asleep whilst stood up in the playground etc. If its that one, oh god did I piss Aye, I remember that! The best memory I had of it was the Narcoleptics Society's AGM where everyone attending had to take the minutes to make sure they were all recorded because they were all thumping their heads off the table. I've look for clips of it many times on YouTube but never been able to find it. Was surprised as I think it won documentary of the year or something of that ilk.
  5. Too right. He shouldn't even be training this week in case of injury, Pardew should be wheeling him around Andy Pipkinesque, covered in bubble wrap. "I want that one Alan.… … I do' like it"
  6. Saw the last half hour of that Concrete Circus. Pretty good stuff. Danny McAskill is pretty amazing
  7. 1-2 to us. Winner in the 91st , off Ameobi's arse.
  8. I have struggled through several tight, damp passages in Yorkshire and France. Gaping Ghyll being particularly memorable for it's sheer size.
  9. Is he wearing guyliner? Looks like it. He's got a paedo's haircut too. As for those names....... I'd put a bet on the following names for the baby: boy Sandal Gharee (i.e. Gary spelt wrong) Brut Chyllee (pronounced Chilli) Lambert-Butler Robbo Tungsten Aargon Perspex (in keeping with local roots) Girl Sherralee Omega (after the cheap cider) Radox Wendylene Tinkerbell Bean Curd in Black bean sauce Nevada Cava And that is discounting the regular chav names like Kai, Wayne, Chantelle etc. There is a kid at my daughter's school called Aragorn. I shit thee not.
  10. If anyone' interested , here's an account in his own words A Crawl Down the Ogre in 1977 In summary ,if you can't be arsed, he snapped his legs at the top, took 6 days to crawl down the mountain, Bonington also broke a rib on the way, and when they got to Base Camp, everyone had fucked off thinking they were dead. Nails
  11. The topic of high rescue has been debated for years in mountaineering circles. For me, it was answered in the seventies. Doug Scott snapped both ankles near the top of a mountain called The Ogre, in the Himalaya. It's smaller than Everest ( obviously) but much harder. He was fucked, but his buddies ( Dougal Haston and Chris Bonington) got him down safely. It's an epic story, I'll see if I can find an online version later when I finish graft.
  12. lad in work was telling me about "green boots" about 6months ago i thought he was full of it till i got back to the office and looked it up. Apparently there's an expedition to bring him back this year If you look at all the bodies closely, you can see bite marks where Bear Grylls had a nibble on the way past, the greedy bugger.
  13. Nice. Love those Japanese rice crackers too. Rice? Crackers? Rice Crackers?… .….dirty bastards Well he is a mackem. Wahey!
  14. What the fuck is that on the left? Mackem version of Huffty? Ewar 'ufftayuh.
  15. Nice. Love those Japanese rice crackers too. Rice? Crackers? Rice Crackers?… .….dirty bastards
  16. So, he knocks out teeth, is expert at stabbing people, and is Glaswegian. Does he live near Buckfast Abbey
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