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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. 1-0 up, filth down to 10, minutes left. champion
  2. Looks like he's gone undercover - like the Galleries loitering softcock that he is New avatar right there for when he logs in. Pud? Im not with it, who we talking about? Rhys safc whatever his name is.
  3. Looks like he's gone undercover - like the Galleries loitering softcock that he is New avatar right there for when he logs in. Pud?
  4. Pitch invasion imminent. Inherently moral.
  5. Free kick left corner of the box. Sailed straight into top right corner. Pants messed.
  7. Come on lads. Put the filth in their place
  8. He did. And ended up in there himself eventually.
  9. You can do better than that Bunter. Disappointed.
  10. The Ancient Greeks had a typically classy method of offing their unpopular citizens. The Brazen Bull
  11. Reported. Seriously , you fucking tit.
  12. Btw, CT's clearly after inspiration for his plotted revenge on Craig & Tom.
  13. The Vikings were inventive. Blood Eagle
  14. Stevie has just cum in his pants.
  15. If he posts a video of himself waving a cheeseburger at you, whilst holding up a sign with " CT = Cunterhead" will you believe it? Over to you Deadman.
  16. Just driven past a huge illuminated sign on the M90 that said " Avoid distractions whilst driving" Irony from the porridge wogs?
  17. See what I did there? The singer being mackem and that…Fucking genius me
  18. CT saw the thread title and took it literally.
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