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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Title of our 2011/12 season review right there.
  2. Nice random 3rd one down btw Kevin, every fucker on here knows what I look like so get a grip. And dont talk about my family or ill get on the next plane to Ireland and rape you and your mam, you little cunt Amended.
  3. They didn't like. He just thinks he is.
  4. How many edits do you reckon you'll need to iron out all the errors btw? You absolute fucking mong Still wrong. Who's Miss Use? I love the moral outrage from Dafydd here. How long did you end up serving for the Bulger job btw Dafydd?
  5. That's Ladies Man Gallagher on the left there.
  6. Clearly seething 'cos he can't get in the bar there.
  7. Howay then Kevin, there must be some cracking pics from Amsterdam.
  8. Unhealthy looking Jobs are often a sign of deeper health issues.
  9. He's still the Apple chairman. He was their core man though, now he aint. He planted the seeds for the company to grow. Was going to say just that.… … pipped to the post.
  10. Were you going as a pirate or a princess? The folk holding the event probably got wind it was CT coming. "Oh, er, there's a powercut. It's off. Bye" *door slams and shouts of 'ahoy me hearties' ring out* Sitting in TJs Jungle ,wishing I was deaf, and nearly sprayed coffee out my nose at that ! Piss poor milf count in Cramlington btw.
  11. Or, for those of you with a stronger stomach… PENIS TOAST (and, yes, it is what it says)
  12. Never knew Jimmy Nail was in Get Carter. He's an extra in the dance hall scene apparently.
  13. He has a simply MASSIVE heed.
  14. Is that water ? Photoshopped, clearly.
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