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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Jurmill? Howay CT Jr, your taste is not in question, but your pronunciation skills leave a bit to be desired. Can you have a word with your dad about his use of been and being btw. Between you and me, it's a bit embarrassing. Like shite. Jurmill mentioned in the same sentence as Deano, I think the best you could say is that her taste is consistent. MF must be seething btw. Foaming! She's clearly been checking out my gorgeous pics
  2. Does anyone know what the song is? Does anyone care?
  3. For those who know their history, Bring Back the Hangings. I can suggest our first two
  4. He needn't worry about "three strikes and out" , useless tit.
  5. Getting a response from her lawyers doesn't count. Chris Evans and Bridget Philipson MP. Both on twitter. What did you say? Told Evans I'd got his book for my birthday and it had better not be shit. His response was something like "my book or your birthday?" Bridget posted a picture of some cupcakes she made. I told her no one likes a show off. Real political shit. She just said hello and something about me being jealous I couldn't have a cake (they didn't look that great tbh ). Oh and I told Lee Dixon he was a boring twat on twitter. He replied with a blank message, the fucking retard. None of that last bit surprises me.
  6. Getting a response from her lawyers doesn't count. Chris Evans and Bridget Philipson MP. Both on twitter. What did you say?
  7. To brighten up a miserable morning, Geschmoygen!
  8. Queight alreight, daahling. I'm so posh I have 2-ply bog roll.
  9. Sound common as Chlamydia there like Stevie.
  10. What sort of an arsehole goes out surfing in this situation. Hope your mam and your town end up alright. Fucking scary business when you're just sat in your house waiting for nature to kick the fuck out of you like. Aye, fingers crossed mate. Has it hit yet?
  11. Could be worse.... Vicious bitch
  12. Christ, even Sinead O'Connor has sported a Kevin barnet.
  13. If fuckers on here are calling me Littlewood, you're having Potter.
  14. Craig calling Wacky a Mackem ! That's fighting talk from …
  15. I know why..... You are one of the lucky ones who got to see his brief appearance in the embarrassing pictures thread. Absolute ringer. A horrible death to you both.......... ...cernts
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