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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I can see why you'd be averse to anal, childhood trauma is a terrible thing.
  2. You had few CT? In the hole? Strangling? Really?
  3. Cheers Wykiki Kevin- do you mean O,V,A or all? ( Btw having a sneaky fag between courses, nite all)
  4. Good idea... I’ve talked a bit (OK, ranted a lot) about fighting back and see this as a small opportunity to do just that. Not by asking searching questions but by asking 12 questions as banal as Tecato’s pizza topping. It’s not like any searching questions are going to get anything other than the usual spin cycle, might as well take the piss out of the latest PR stunt organised by the EC. Show them were not quite the thickos they take us for. Even though I'm not Twittered up, I like this idea. Are you thinking banal, as in pizza topping, or tangential, like his view on how the Libya situation will impact the Serie A?
  5. For you mate, that's quite good. See, the Lovefest is working already.
  6. Monkeys Fist


    All the best Greg. Where's he been lately?
  7. It's my 13th Wedding anniversary today, so feeling good. Me and La Fistress went to The Central to see our friends band play last night, tonight I am in the midst of preparing us her favourite meal , then … Badabing!
  8. Nowt to do with me Snakehips, the devious old dog!
  9. You silver-tongued charmer. No wonder you're deafened by the whoosh of silk hitting the floor whenever you enter a room.
  10. Team Nasty 2-0 Team Positive/Flying Solo.
  11. Back. Rind on smoked Grilled Well done fresh buns or warm baguette buttered no sauce Cup of Tea.
  12. Right, I posted his name because it's plastered all over his website, which at the time I posted was linked by him on his profile page. Him living in Whitley Bay was in his location section. I could've also posted his Street, phone number and email , which are all on another public page of his on a well known social networking site, but I didn't, as I thought that unnecessary. As far as the ripping he's been getting, I can't speak for anyone else, but you reap what you sow. He'd posted in other threads, there's no way he hadn't seen "his" thread, if he'd simply said "Sorry Lads, bit skint, but Ill give a fiver now" I think most would've thought fair enough. He didn't, and started giving it Loadsamoney. Tough. Hope he does donate on Monday, hope he calms down and comes back, but he'll need to grow a pair first. And I have worked on building sites.
  13. Where's the money gone? X12
  14. I believe the businessman on here has fucked off in a flounce.
  15. The question I would ask is where does it stop? He could have been satisfied with defacing the Gallowgate facia and a lot of advertising hoardings, but wasn’t. He could have been satisfied with renaming the ground and splashing SD all over the atrium reception, but wasn’t. He could have been satisfied with painting SD on the roof of the Gallowgate in giant letters, but wasn’t. What’s to say the latest shit with the East Stand is the end of it? His appetite for covering SJP with SD advertising seems insatiable. "Welcome to the 2012/13 season, we here at Sports Direct United would like to remind our loyal customers that any behaviour deemed unsavoury by The Owner will result in ejection from the ground and a ban. Please enjoy the game. "
  16. From one filthy minge-freak to another…
  17. I'm willing to bet his wank-sock has had some abuse tonight. He's furious. It'll all be better on Monday after another hundred big ones banked.
  18. And your address and phone number is on your Facebook page. Just sayin' Ta ta
  19. Isn't Pud a tax inspector? You'll be declaring at least £25,000 this year then Dean BlahBlah, of Whitley Bay?
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