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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. There's a post on there now. Only 44. Christ. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=626730
  2. Whilst tracking down the above Viz snippet, I found this, which made me laugh like a bastard.
  3. Blonde hair- check Biker chick - check Magnificent rack- check Mates with Plod - check. It all fits now , Toonraider is none other than…
  4. Monkeys Fist


    Fish on gardening leave.
  5. Tbh, CT has had the hump since his avatar was taken away. Time for a new one?
  6. I'm going from brunette to silver. Except my head, which has been pink since 1996.
  7. I had 5 huge spiders in here last week! They always come in to the warm in September. I bought some Spiderex repellent and sprayed it everywhere!! It has Horse chestnut oil and clove oil in... apparently spiders don't like that. Or a cheaper version would be to get some conkers and place them around the home. Once again, I'll be heading south to spread my conkers round TR's gaff.
  8. He'll be back on Monday with Episode IV of The Burger Diaries. Guaranteed.
  9. Too high-brow for CT that man. More like X-Factor.
  10. PARTY TIME! Cancel it before he changes his mind ffs. Aye, IP ban while you're on just to make sure he doesn't get tempted. CT , having gained a bit weight, in full PMT mode An ovary action?
  11. I got diagnosed with the big 'C' last week............ ........Dsylexia! (sorry) but
  12. Todays date always reminds me of this German lass I went out with. Hated anal.
  13. Al Qaeda have just bought a controlling interest in The New York Jets. Piss taking bastards.
  14. I'll give it 40 days on top of the bacon shed
  15. Wum wummitty Wum wummitty Wum wum Fail fail.
  16. Leazes said "You will be hated by all men on account of my name; but the man who stands firm to the end will be saved. If they persecute you in one town, take refuge in the next; and if they persecute you in that, take refuge in another." Mt. 10.22-23 Amen brother.
  17. What's Big Ron up to these days? i heard barry fry's looking for a new job and would relish the challenge. Not if Steve Bleasdale can get in there first! We will end up with this bloke.
  18. Think we might be. Can't think of any others so far.
  19. That's the thing though, I bet you they don't. Have they been lifted? Not that I'm aware of yet. But the old bill reckon that given the crime they've committed they're convinced they'll be known offenders and marry that with the DNA they've pulled together, they should be able to make a link. Good stuff.
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