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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If I was forced to invite you or the dog-fucker to dinner, I’d be taking wor Dweezil to the mother-in-law’s and you’d be going hungry.
  2. I agree with Gloomy on this. Champions League is all very nice, but we’re never winning the thing this season. I’d rather go out of the CL early on and win the League Cup. Once these lads see the utterly mental reaction they’ll get to winning something, they’ll want more.
  3. Not that it needed it, but this really highlights how inadequate the approach to our commercial side was under Ashley and the Semi-Sentient Hamster. “ Bung a Sp***s D****t sign on it, sell some hotdogs, boosh.”
  4. Hardly surprising-Any fucker that wears crocs, never mind being an expert on them, is proper shady.
  5. David McCallum. 90. Gravely Illya Kuriyakin, more like.
  6. Can I just draw attention to the thread title- “ Generic NUFC “CHAT” not “ Generic NUFC STAT”.
  7. I think that’s the real David Coverdale
  8. If I see a busty but ugly lass I refer to her as an Eight, as that’s the number of “tits on a pig”. Coincidence?
  9. My phone automatically flips to landscape view whenever Jenas’ forehead appears on screen.
  10. Surely Fish’s capacity to dick around would’ve been undiminished, but his opportunity to do so would be reduced?
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