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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I pity the poor fucker who’s job it was to render the cellulite on the twerking chubber’s butt.
  2. These aren’t the kind of images I get when I put BBC in to google …
  3. When did Pardew qualify as a stock image doctor?
  4. Release in 2025 That gives over a year for all the incels to outrage themselves in to a hernia over the main character being a woman.
  5. What gets louder as it gets smaller? Baby in a compactor.
  6. Doesn’t need to be, they don’t use the top levels.
  7. Mystic Peg. The Clairvoyant Anal Invader.
  8. Fuck’s sake- have they said what they think is up? Also, ask your favourite nurse for a prostate exam Giddup!
  9. I didn’t mean it from any footballing perspective- more that he’s also a rancid bastard that nobody likes. 👍
  10. Btw, I would piss my sides if they got someone like Bilic from the Saudi league.
  11. I reckon Mowbray probably paid them to let him away.
  12. What are the fevered minds in Morlock Central coming up with as their next Messiah-soon-to-be-Villain? Sone of them were wanting Potter the other day
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