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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Shola just fucking missed a football that was less than 12' from his foot. Bring on the new strik… Oh…Hang on.
  2. Wonder if all the kids who fail have to go to concentration camp in the summer It'll end in tears Clicky
  3. I've read this thread a couple of times this evening and this still makes me chuckle.
  4. A fair question. There are a lot of Energy from Waste plants in production across the UK but the only way these are getting built is through major local political and commercial incentivisation, provision of add on infrasturcture to 'compensate' for the facilities' presence. Which of course tax payers foot the bill. Incinerators still have a bad reputation, despite the fact that modern filtration techniques can mean the air coming out of the facilities is purer than that drawn in. Sympathetic construction and design techniques also mean they are no longer eyesores but fundamentally trucks and trucks full of garbage will have to go somewhere, driven past someone's house. Basically despite everyone buying as much shit as they can muster, no-one wants to have to even think about the waste once their latest consumption is completed, much less have it burned in their own back yard. Similarly people object to wind generators 'because it spoils their view' when ironically they spend much of their time indoors watching their 50" plasma tv. Withdraw Nimby*'s services I say - object to electricity production in your area? Go live in a cave then you selfish, short sighted, narrow minded fuckwits. *Not In My Backyard Well said Fellow. There's a new wind farm going up just north of Woodhorn Mining Museum right now. (Many more days like today and it'll be making more 'leccy than we need!) I worked on a new 'clean' incinerator in Teeside a whileback, "Welcome to Teeside, We Burn Your Shit".
  5. Monkeys Fist


    Scousers are worse than Gypos tbh
  6. I've always said, if the Gypo really wanted to get hold of Shearer, there's no way Beckham could have stopped him.
  7. Totally unrelated, obviously, but I wonder how Wor Andrew is getting on in Dippersville?
  8. A couple of months ago she asked if I would swap a shift so she could go out with her mate the night before. I couldn't and a couple of days before the shift she puts on Facebook that she's sprained her ankle and is in agony. My reply to her was to say that if this were her trying to skive off I'd be livid. No reply. Sure enough the night before the shift she calls in to take the time off and I'm called in (because I live 10 minutes away). She refuses to take my phone call so I leave a message, calmly explaining that I know fine fucking well she's skiving, that if anyone asks I shan't be covering for her and that she can forget about me helping her the previously agreed shift swaps. Sounds petty as fuck but she's taking the piss. I'm on my break and she's turned the light off at her desk and has reclined her chair so she's nice and comfy while she shuts her eyes. Bet you every penny in my pocket against every penny in yours that she's asleep within 30minutes Poop tache opportunity. Do it.
  9. Are you having a breakdown sonny?
  10. Is that not the station for Middlesbrough? edit: No sorry, thats 'Six fingers in your sister's baby'.
  11. I think he may have taken the outcome of his recent weigh-in rather badly . Maybe you lot should give him some space ? . . Takes up plenty as it is, the chubby fool.
  12. Monkeys Fist


    One thing at a time man, He's loading up the bacon gun. Sent him a pm, just in case he's missed this thread. Bad Fish, baaad Fish
  13. Monkeys Fist


    One thing at a time man, He's loading up the bacon gun.
  14. Right, that's it. I try my best and that's the response I get? I've had it with this place. Craig, cancel my account. Ayatollah blatantly bullying a poster who's contributed jokes for years including anal sex innuendos just for copying his bingo joke? I'm sick of this kind of attitude on here lately. Thats me finished on here too. Craig, do the honours, mate.
  15. Right, that's it. I try my best and that's the response I get? I've had it with this place. Craig, cancel my account.
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