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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I've honestly had daydreams about that very scene. I'll offer my services , free gratis an that, to rip the fucking thing down whenever, whoever, takes over. If I haven't retired by then
  2. The drive from Fort William to Skye is pretty spectacular. Talisker Distillery on Skye too. If you go to Skye, the Cuillins are the biggest , but here … … is my favourite part of Skye. The stack is called the Old Man of Storr, in the North East of the island.
  3. You've just MancMagged me. Didn't know she was a Ginner too! Not seen Superbad? Not yet but I will now
  4. Since we're strolling down Archaeology Lane… Bang Tideh!
  5. Collar and cuffs I wonder, or d'you think she bleached it ?
  6. She's one for another, well-established thread on TT. Have we got a Manky Munter thread? Time to end Spooks like. As mentioned, was becoming a bit DRAMATIC.
  7. Jesus. I have a day or two away from this thread and it turns into Acock'n'lips Now. Right. We've had a brunette day. Redheads/ Ginge Minge. Get busy pervs.
  8. The annoying thing about this is that the rancid old bitch is too far down the road to La La Land to show any remorse. Not that she would've any.
  9. It would lend that suggestion, aye. Word is he's up in court tomorrow charged with another offence the met were after him for. Seems he was on the run when he nicked our car - the missus has seemingly done the old bill a favour by not giving into the fucker too easily and causing him to drop his phone Absolute wrong-un by the sounds of it - almost certainly will be remanded tomorrow and they'll charge him with what he did to us whilst he's serving time for something else. Hopefully means we won't need to go to court. Does that mean if he's found guilty of your assault it'll be added on to whatever time he's already doing, or will it run concurrently?
  10. My new girlfriend, so back off! That's not going to help google image search now is it? It's Monica Bellucci mate On topic; fucking shola on Course it is, cheers. See whether Marveaux can have an impact now. Sorry mate, was watching the match. Aye, it's La Bellucci. Filth.
  11. Anyone pm me a nice pressie? Mines already broken
  12. A plane taking part in an air race in Reno, Nevada, crashed into the stands killing 3 spectators and injuring at least 50. The pilot was 74 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14957637 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14957437
  13. 3 listed on that site. I know someone who has worked on that archive and other regional ones - focusing now on speaking to old miners (while theyre still with us) for their oral histories etc. Really fascinating resource. I keep meaning to go to Woodhorn Colliery in Ashington, but have never got round to it. I think they're doing the same work there.
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