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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feral_children Fails to mention the Pig Boy of Derry. Struggles with normal human interraction, pig shit thick, eats garbage.
  2. I've used Enterprise in the past. They'll deliver the car and pick it up from your gaff at the end. Pretty reasonable prices. http://www.enterprise.co.uk/car_rental/home.do Ask for a diesel btw.
  3. Americy should crash a plane into it with " How D'you Like Them Apples?" written on the side.
  4. Monkeys Fist


    First they came for Paul Wynn and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a fat paedo Then they came for Deano and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a billionaire gardener charity thief Then they came for the minge obsessed tit freaks and there was no one left to speak out for me. No one is safe
  5. An American Senator who is facing charges of sexually abusing male youths. His name is R. Soles Jr. Wikiclicky
  6. Sean Connery did some DIY at my house recently, but the wooden plank on brackets was not horizontal. When I told him it wasn't good enough he said "I'm ashamed of my shelf".
  7. I've got a 4 yr old and 1 yr old. The simple answer is yes, you will be permafucked for the next 6 years at least. Routines work well- bath, warm milk, story and bed. No matter how early/late mine go to bed, they're up and bouncing off the walls by 6.30am at the latest. We don't let the youngest nap after 2pm, otherwise the little shite gets a second wind at about 7pm. It'll all be worth it in about 25 years when they become real people
  8. Best of luck mate. Hope it goes well for you.
  9. Sooo, Parky. You hidden the salami yet?
  10. Sorry Salty. I made an ill judged crack about thus another thread, now deleted. I'm not a pet person, which isn't really an excuse. Poor taste from me. I solly.
  11. She'll have had her work cut out for her.
  12. Was working on an apartment block in City Centre last week- someone had a fully decorated Christmas Tree up in their front room. ( sure there's a thread about this, but whenever I put Christmas tree into search it just comes back with "massive flounce")
  13. Just seen D. Custard driving through Forest Hall in the Ranger Ranger. It looks a bit shit tbh.
  14. Give it a try. Tip; put Vaseline on your digit before you throw it up the poop chute
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