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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. "Leave it Steve, they're not worth it, you can play a song of your own to get back at them when we beat them!" Wynner
  2. Might have a trip on the stinking thing just to see if I can meet this guy, sounds top notch.
  3. You must do all right for yourself then, right? I knew this slur on the honour of Blyth's cliterati wouldn't go unpunished. Brave Sir Fish rides to the rescue, cravat flapping in the wind and a trail of Asda vouchers marking his path. Beware ye scoundrels!
  4. The murderess or the Blyth slappers?
  5. Aye.... black lass is wearing a wig
  6. These things are feckin ridiculous Munchkin Cats When they're dead they make excellent draught excluders mind.
  7. Speaking of Lakes… Clicky Fucking quackers!
  8. Everything you ever wanted to know about farts. *poot*
  9. cheers one and all. Ironically I just picked up a hire car today from Europa and their big thing was that their petrol was cheaper than getting from a petrol station! I guess you're buying a whole tank though, so make sure you're going to use at least that much. Should do, driving from London to Newcastle. Got a stack of Xmas presents to take up and a load of awkward sized crap to bring back down (Signed Newcastle shirt in frame etc.) Doubt I'll need a car to bring down ASDA vouchers mind Use them to fill up… … and get a diesel man.
  10. Fist is still at it as I recall. I've bred two who are immune as well.
  11. Been rumours in the Barney household of putting the 2girls into the same bedroom thus giving me back my box room/nerd chamber. Seems to good to be true...must be a trap. It is. She's after a third and is making room!
  12. I hear C. Ronaldildo isn't happy. Loan move in January?
  13. Bloke: What's the weather forecast Ken? Ken: *grnnngh* Shitty.
  14. Dude. They're fucked up, they're a bloke who dress up as lady! Doesn't mean you've got to let your standards slip. Unless there's an unwritten rule you've got to dress like the lass from Aqua. If that's the case, I reckon the lass behind he/she is sporting 'meat & two' as well.
  15. Thanks for that Father Kevin. Now back to your prayers for the choirboys.
  16. It's bang out of order to let a 5 yr old go through that. Making him sit in dirty pants all afternoon, with a shit parcel in his bag, is almost as bad as not letting him go in the first place ( especially since he asked twice!). I'm not a one for shouting for people's heads, but I'd be making a huge fuss about this mate. Why weren't you told he had dirty pants on? Why weren't you told his soiled pants were in his bag? Why wasn't he allowed to go after asking twice? Why didn't another member of staff step in and clean the poor lad up? Give em some ice cold fury. Btw, take notes in your meeting with the Head Teacher. It'll keep you calmer, and they FUCKING HATE IT!
  17. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.ph...2112&page=3 Looks like they've locked the thread, but not before this pearler was posted…
  18. Stray balls in the box - bane of his life.
  19. All hail the Prophet Al Dente! Pastafari
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