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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Yes please You too Thomas, recipe please.
  2. I'm passing tomorrow morning. I'll report back with any horror.
  3. Just a little" heads up" here. Just passed the ground on Barrack Rd, looks like there might be more shit going up on the outside of the Milburn. There's a cradle set up on the stairwell to the right of the Atrium entrance, which in itself is nowt, BUT, there's also a lifting block set up above it. This means that something heavy is being lifted- and I suspect from it's position it'll be another Shite Direct sign. Watch this space.
  4. Aaaaand Fist jumps back in his car for another impromptu trip down South…
  5. Btw Dr.Ken, it should go without saying that you must post pics of any hotties/stinkers you "meet" online , but I'm saying it just to be clear
  6. Fly to his mates- " Felt nowt! You should see the state of the other bloke"
  7. Chin up Doc! Unleash your wit on the online dating world, and I'm sure you'll be drowning in a pungent sea of clunge soon enough. Oh, and LTB, you're fooling no one you dirty dog.
  8. Ask one of the mods mate, shouldn't be a problem.
  9. I'd say from the massive response, have a lie in mate.
  10. Might as well start on the new board as I mean to go on… here's Monica's chebs.
  11. You just know Kevin will be fizzing at the slit at the prospect of his first "works night out". He'll be splashing on the Lynx, hoping to get stuck into 22yr old Niamh, the sexy bird who has so far utterly ignored him. Next morning when he wakes up , suffocating under the left tit of the 40yr old munter who's so fat she has a double chin on her minge, he'll think " Shouldn't have had that second Blue WKD. "
  12. That's why i said i was sick before i played, I don't think running about in the rain and wind helps recovery though. Don't be arguing with Dr. J. man! All is well in Fistworld, albeit a tad nippy. Edit; where's me burgershots Jan,hmm??
  13. Comedy name, utter cunt. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Butt_Naked
  14. Fuck me, that's a find. I tried to find one with a teddy bear on too, but had to settle for the bacon shed by it's lonesome.
  15. for the biting Let me guess... are you into pegging? No sir. Chuck says different.
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