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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Nice pentagram… Child sacrifice?
  2. Go shopping http://www.asda.com/m/index.html
  3. We be nice to them, if they be nice to us.
  4. Doesn't surprise me, always thought you were a thoroughly decent chap Okay okay, you're on the list Fist. I'd pay Salma whatever she wanted to let me buck her until I looked and spoke like Gollum. ( Just so you know I wouldn't waste it TS )
  5. Blackadder Sopranos Attenborough's "Life" series.
  6. Pardew showing what a cunt he truly is by this statement. Have some fucking self respect man!
  7. Ah, I got confused, I couldnt remeber seeing Amsterdam. It was the Netherlands I was talking about. The Netherlands in general. I didnt quite put it like that to her. I said the Netherlands is very nice, gorgeous architecture, hardly any litter and the people are rather athletic, not many fatties, no chavs and they are all rather good looking due to their lifestyle and general outlook. Cut down to the OP. When I was in the Netherlands there was some ghastly women, lifestyle or no lifestyle, you're gonna get shit. On the whole though they're much better than British women Oh for sure. BUT A good looker doesnt mean theyre nice people. Which is what the gfriends mate says and she is spot on. What the thread and OP was aimed at is, how many people first impressions sway your opinions? The thread title is a little shit really. Gives a bad first impression tbh. ( can we change J69's name to "A Nice Helmet"?)
  8. Monkeys Fist


    "...and then I woke up and here I was in 2011 on the internet!" heh heh cunterhead lol
  9. Doesn't surprise me, always thought you were a thoroughly decent chap
  10. Who's there? Dunnap Which is about as exciting as it got today.
  11. Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps please. Or The Chicken Song
  12. Monkeys Fist


    Just asked Mrs. Fist what else we did in 1998- silly me… … we got married.
  13. Monkeys Fist


    My 30th birthday was on the day of the France-Brazil WC final. Got absolutely spackered in the Forth, supporting France as I'd not long moved back from living there. Lived in Lonsdale Tce, Jesmond, and was cheffing.
  14. The Ski Sunday? That's how you might stand to have a shit in a field. Not how you should be wiping your arse in a toilet. I genuinely believe that you lot just haven't graduated from doing this stuff as part of potty training. Several years of French "Holes in the ground" shitters have honed my Ninja wipe to perfection. I assume if you sitters had to shit outdoors, you'd use the Canine Arse Drag ?
  15. So as you stand up, a trickle of liquidated shit dribbles down your scrote and tails off on the shaft unnoticed? Nowt liquid about my dung. Eat more fibre matey. Sitty Downers = Squirters.
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