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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That brick bulding looks pretty permanent to me
  2. Lock the thread, now!!! Think of the database
  3. and..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7MwXniOD44&feature=related
  4. Loved the Stone Roses, Phil Collin's no.1 is fan spouting some shite in this thread like Here's some other classics from the time...
  5. you'd think she would've had a tinkle before the shoot.
  6. Jesus Christ! That is awful. Don't know why I google'd after this, but I did. To save the eyes of my fellow pervs, a photographic summary…
  7. I was at gym this morning when I noticed a little hole in one of my trainers just big enough to pop my finger in. …She made a formal complaint and I'm barred for life.
  8. Jesus Christ! That is awful. Gott in Himmel! Mein eyes, zey burn
  9. Monkeys Fist


    Because we are, in general, a pack of bastards
  10. Had a PROPER row with a mate about this before the match on Sunday, his crack man "Steve I'm as happy about this as I was about Keegan coming the first time", I says fuckin shut upi up man they're not even the top 5 of Manc bands never mind owt else, which was like red rag to a bull. As many have said in this thread I just feel they are ridiculously overrated, and don't appeal to me at all. The same people who like these like people like "The Smiths", which does say it all. It's that 25 to 40 year old age group who like things because of mob mentality, there's no other reason to like The Smiths. Care to name me 5 better Manc bands? Simply Red will be top of Stevie's list
  11. Hot girl's asses you say Deaders? You'll love then , heh heh lol cunterheads etc...
  12. Has anyone (toonraider?) ever heard of this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pando_%28unit%29
  13. I hear Gandalfs nipsy is like a Wizards sleeve. ( how did we get here from the lottery?)
  14. We Has the Ring! NSFW link http://t2.gstatic.co...U4DH09hhX43kJzw
  15. "Dirty Wizard! We wasn't expecting buttsecks!"
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