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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The last time I saw Man United fans get fucked this bad, Ian Huntley did it. Ouch.
  2. We are classy as fuckers on here. Dinner was chicken breasts stuffed with spinach, chanterelles and gruyere, parmentier spuds, and chargrilled courgettes. Bought the pud, Belgian chocolate and Irish cream cheesecake. Fuck me I'm good.
  3. Me too. Chilean Cab Sauvignon , preceded by G&Ts with the Wench for pre-dinner drinkies. Pissed and fed
  4. There's hope for him then… http://juniorlawyers.lawsociety.org.uk/node/655 Consider your chips pissed on.
  5. Just got in from Graft. Sacre Bleu!! You beauty.
  6. Make sure you turn off the taps on the water hoses. Seems obvious but… And have a washing ready to catch anything that comes out if the waste water pipe. Gaffer tape the hose ends upright before you shift it.
  7. World Ends at 6pm today according to Mr. Camping. no work tomorrow
  8. wrong thread........ Belta Minge
  9. Monkeys Fist


    I've now got a mental image of him scuttling off , walking on his hands, thinking " This'll confuse the fucke…… Blaaam!" .
  10. Aye, why is that millions of companies spend billions on advertising? You know, given that it doesn't work and that. Random stat; Companies with predominantly blue logos are seen as dependable and trustworthy by consumers.
  11. I remember one Bonfire night when I was about 15 we acquired some lengths of drainpipe and made bazookas with the dodgy rockets we'd been buying from Westmoor VG. Also baked spuds on the bonfire. Fucking rank usually.
  12. No oil in Rhodesia man. Aberdeen is shitting it
  13. I suspect it's one big fuck off one on the Gallowgate, as opposed to two wee ones. Respect Mike, respect.
  14. Used to be turnips, and apple bobbing. Never went trick or treating , was still a Yank thing then. Got a pumpkin for the chimps this year, and made a witch costume with the 4yr old.
  15. Who makes me belly laugh; Billy Connoly Jason Byrne Tim Vine Who are masterful at the "art"; Hicks Eddie Izzard Billy Connoly again Spike Milligan was a fucking genius. There's a clip somewhere of Milligan appearing on jasper carrots show. He's dressed as a nurse, sitting in an armchair. Before he says a word the audience are in fits, he plays it like a master, and keeps them in stitches for the duration of his timeslot, all without saying a word. Fuck knows what his planned sketch was going to be. If anyone can find it, it's genius. The Suggestibles are a canny night out in town.
  16. That brick bulding looks pretty permanent to me All 2 x 2 Pandos of it. 2? big pandos btw
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