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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. @MrBass Glad to see a fellow Stander standing up to proudly be counted. I think we’ll wipe these clean out. 5-0. Pope , all pelanties.
  2. He likes to keep his fingers in as many pies as possible.
  3. @ewerk now checking his ticket with a sinking feeling “ It was a feckin’ bargain, so it was “
  4. I try to limit myself to only posting when I’m on A and B roads- they tend to have more cyclists who slow you down pretty well by the time they’re going under the second axles.
  5. Quite, also the High Court ruled that if it’s just the tip, you’re not gay. Knowledge is power (top).
  6. Whilst neither is pleasant, I think I’d chose stoning over watching my kids slowly starve to death, knowing the same was my fate. We could go back and forth on this for as long as you like, facts are facts. Your owners are at least as bad as ours, arguably far worse. What none of your lot will admit, is that this whole “hewman rights marra!” charade is just that- a charade. You’re all, understandably, seething with jealousy that this has happened to us, and not you, because let’s be brutally honest here- if it had happened to you lot, there’d already be a mosque in the SoS car park, you’d be selling red and white prayer mats in the club shop ( have you still got one, btw?) and there’d be kids running round Pennywell called Mohammad Quinn Henderson. Suck it up, dust yourselves down, and stay classy.
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