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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Also, bloke has on a face mask, instead of a pair of dirty knickers. Kids have finished Comedy Dave.
  2. He’d have to stop for a fag and relube after the first 10,000.
  3. The lad under Pluskal was very well liked at the time.
  4. Every single Greggs savoury pastry product looks greasy enough to be able slip through your entire digestion system and out the other end in one piece.
  5. Does he cook his Weinidogs in hot water, or does he reheat them in the popty ping?
  6. Read Barry’s reply. He’s no geologist. This has ti be a parody account- nobody is that fucking thick, are they?
  7. I’ve edited it, so that everyone can see the vile hateful shite this cunt is posting. It genuinely staggers me, and also leaves me baffled, as to how someone from a country like ours can end up so fucking ignorant.
  8. Precisely. This cunt is just spouting absolute racist bile. I’ve reported several of his posts, including this one, but I very much doubt anything will be done.
  9. Depends. Is your lass coming too?
  10. I thought the reply below had to be a parody account, then I looked at his other posts. How the fuck is this shit not in violation of the racism policies of twitter? Yes , I know Musk has 100% red -pilled, but this is a global company- you can’t just let cunts like this spread their bile with no repercussions.
  11. Aye, that’s the one… sorry for any related shite to the absolute thunderous wanker Liddle.
  12. A cursory read of that says that he’s not so much actually disliked by his England team mates, but is more a victim of the very English disease of “let’s bring down someone who’s talented and knows it”. The lad is very, very good. I think we’d all agree on that. Why he should conform to the media driven expectation to be humble about that is less his problem and more the problem of Ingeerlund supporters and its media. The fact he’s black has no bearing on this, at all, obviously.
  13. It would explain why a lad with his money and resources spends more than a minute in sunderland - The shit one - “ Hey bro, I’ve got a week off, shall I come to Madrid and see you and your pals?” The good one -“ Nah bro, I’ll come to you, show me how it is in medieval times”
  14. It’s understandable that they can’t work out monetary values, since they operate in base 12 as opposed to base 10.
  15. I’ve made a grave error- the Lindisfarne Mrs. F. went to see isn’t the one with just the drummer, it’s the one with Rod Liddle* and Alan Hull’s son-in-law, who are apparently the “official” one, so… … Spaghetti Bolognaise as opposed to Cornish Pasty. * NOOOO! It’s Rod Clements, sorry.
  16. Re. Twitter links. I could post them, then I couldn’t, then I could by changing x to twitter in the url, now I can’t. Any ideas, how are others seemingly fine?
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