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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. How many of the first team are married? The single lads have nothing to fear from Pardew
  2. If Kate wore the catsuit, I'd watch her in Come Dine with Me... plot is irrelevant where catsuit is concerned
  3. Am sticking with my theory about Obertan's main problem. You still peddling this 'lucky bastard' line? Am genuinely annoyed with you for not giving Pardew credit for the job he has done, the fat bastard might have been lucky appointing him, he might have known what he was doing, we'll never know. Whatever, it doesnt matter, Pards has done a cracking job and there is no way you can call our start to this season lucky. Unless you're Happy Face and you like pulling statistics oot your hoop for the sake of argument. Where have I not given or avoided giving Pardew credit? He's been fantastic with what he's had to work with. You need to distinguish between two distinct facets within the club. The owners/board and the manager/coaching staff. We don't have enough players, Pardew knows this, he knew it in the summer, the fans know it, and what he's done so far with the players at his disposal is like Jesus sorting 5,000 out with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. If he'd have done half as well, with what he's had to play with he'd have deserved praise. Where the luck has come in, has been the fact for once in our existence we've had no injuries, this is like new ground for Newcastle, and I say Ashley is specifically lucky, because quite clearly the squad is not big enough and it's his and Llambias' fault that we'll be fucking around with the likes of Shane Ferguson, and putting Raylor right wing should just one more of our wide men get injured. There is absolutely no depth in any part of our squad, one injury to a key player and we're massively depleted. No other team in the top 7 can say the same, and it only need two or three more players, and we've got the money to do it, to have a reasonable squad. Unfortunately for the agenda-ists, you cant separate the two really. The buck stops with the fat cunt and therefore so does the praise. This where I've been previously, I still detest FMA and Dekka, I still think Pardew was signed up and fully aware before Hughton was dumped. However, I will give Pardew due credit for this season's performances, given his limited resources, it's nothing short of miraculous. Don't have to like the man though.
  4. I'm with you on the Underwearworld thing- Kate Beckinsale, Ooyah!
  5. Sorry petal, that was aimed at Barney. Nowt wrong with a grown woman liking vampire shows … no, really, it's fine
  6. Dare you to paint an R between the E and N on the cave sign.
  7. Nah, was definitely an Aussie Dyke , baps out, time travelling bloodsucker. I've found nothing like it by googling, was hoping the Hibernian contingent might have seen it.
  8. Did you remember to put a towel on Toonraider? Please say no. You lazy shithouse
  9. Baps oot for the chaps.
  10. It seems Toonraider comes from a very long line of Torquay residents- Human remains dated to 40,000 yrs+ found near there. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/jawbone-shows-we-lived-with-neanderthals-6256296.html Unless of course she's descended from the local Neanderthals
  11. I love this place, a few hours of concern, then… it begins
  12. Sorry TR Right then, calling the Irish mob… Just seen Lesbian Vampire Killers is on BBC3 tonight ( I have no intention of watching it!), which has reminded me of when I was working in Dublin during Euro 2008. One night after the match, went back to the hotel room and flicked through the channels, found a show ( on one of the RTE channels irc) which was an Australian Time Travelling Lesbian Vampire Detective show !!! Wasn't hallucinating or pissed, as the other two lads I was working with were there and saw it. Any idea what it was? Was it a regular show over there? I've never heard of or seen it since, and it's always bugged me.
  13. Looks ok to me, if they bring back the fun, and judging by the fighter jet flying down the street, you can fly again.
  14. I was sure we did it too like.
  15. Bloody Hell. Glad to hear you're ok Gemmill. They can rebuild you, they have the technology… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HofoK_QQxGc&sns=em
  16. So that we can annoy our partners. Well I certainly annoyed mine last night I'm beginning to think the cough I have is a side effect of the meds I take as I've had it for over two weeks now. It's to get rid of the spiders that crawl down your throat as you sleep
  17. Thanks for sharing that, at lunchtime. And… a TOWEL???
  18. Have at thee , thou beslubbering swag-bellied hedge-pigs
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