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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Recently been doing some family history, and found out my Great Uncle was a Petty Officer on the HMS Acasta. It was sunk in the Battle of Jutland in 1940, with the loss of all hands bar one survivor. Turns out that the vast majority of crew had time to escape, but due to a communication cock up, they were never picked up and drowned. He was one of them. Also Mrs. Fist's Great & Great-Great Grrandfathers both fought in WW1. Her Great Grandfather was shot in the neck, and survived. We have a photo of him in Dunston Hospital. His father was killed on the first day of the Somme. It appears he volunteered, and was killed, at the age of 60! My maternal Grandfather also served in France & Belguim WW2, as a despatch rider. He used to love telling about how he held the Units record of losing 5 bikes in a week to enemy fire!
  2. Yohan C ,my friend Is bombing down the Wing Yohan C is bombing down the Wing.
  3. There's some right heavybreathers on here like
  4. Aye, without fights like those, I wonder if Ali's legend would be what it is? ( And that's from a massive Ali fan btw). He faced some formidable opponents, and I'd say Frazier was the best of them.
  5. Aye, was that the one where he was living in the backroom of his gym?
  6. Don't be a dick. Joining the Army now, as a career choice, and conscription/volunteering during WW1&2 are two utterly different things. I wear a Poppy each year, in remembrance of the ordinary men and women who died serving in the above wars. I dont donate to charities such as Help for Heroes as I believe that; 1: Its the responsibility of the Govt. to look after injured servicemen. 2: They chose to sign up. If you do a dangerous job, part of it is accepting that you may be disabled or killed.
  7. Worth 10 minutes of anyone's timeā€¦
  8. My business partner met him recently.Said he was a top boy. Legend in my book.
  9. What you do in the privacy of the Deaders Lair is your business.
  10. The right thinking world will be hanging on Warren's opinion.
  11. It's outrageous. A man watches his wife and child killed by a truck bomb- do the game designers not realise thousands of same sex couples will be utterly devastated by this blatant act of homophobia? The under representation of herms and rugmunchers in Games has gone on long enough , and I'm with Deaders in his Gay Rights. Crusade! Ban everything!!!!
  12. Just finished graft. Marvellous! It's a rare thing, but come on the mackems- Agent Brewce, you have your orders.
  13. Dutch courage eh, Murphy?
  14. 70s boobs were the Bomb! Especially when accompanied with a verdant bush. The only places they were ever seen were on Hammer Horror films or in that other 70s phenomenon- outdoor porn stashes.
  15. he's a hipster, I'm expecting a minimum of trendy freak boobs
  16. Wasnt the cancelled game v Dippers?
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