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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, I thought bullshit at first, but he's genuine. He's in the last pic btw, top right. Exhibited at The Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts 149th Exhibition 2010
  2. I've already said what I'm doing. And no, never been to Cenotaph, been to Les Crottes in Ardeche numerous times, which is an equally poignant monument to the brutality of war. Oh, by the way
  3. why ? Simple question What are your plans for Sunday… repeat ad infinitum why ? What does that photo have to do with anything btw ? Does the building in the background not give you a clue? What are your plans for Sunday? why ? And what relevance does that photo have ? Are you Michael Howerd? What are your pla… etc are you Abu Hamza ? What is your interest in what I'm doin.....etc I believe you're full of piss and wind- I don't think you're doing anything to mark Remembrance Sunday, even though you bang about it. So, what you doing?
  4. These are pretty damned amazing. Hand drawn, not photos. http://www.buzzfeed.com/catesish/hyperrealistic-hand-drawn-portraits?s=mobile
  5. Meenzer selling the silver at next Sunday's Car Boot
  6. why ? Simple question What are your plans for Sunday… repeat ad infinitum why ? What does that photo have to do with anything btw ? Does the building in the background not give you a clue? What are your plans for Sunday? why ? And what relevance does that photo have ? Are you Michael Howerd? What are your pla… etc
  7. why ? Simple question What are your plans for Sunday… repeat ad infinitum why ? What does that photo have to do with anything btw ? Does the building in the background not give you a clue? What are your plans for Sunday?
  8. why ? Simple question What are your plans for Sunday… repeat ad infinitum
  9. Dirty, meatball eating, birch cabinet loving, unpronounceabley named furniture buying Commie Bastaaaard!
  10. A sensible reply would be appreciated - for a change. Dream on Mohammed as I expected, sadly. In a thread where FIFA are accused of being Nazis, and Guthrie is suggested for England, you expect a serious response? Leazes- he's back and madder than ever! your lack of football related posts, and alternative rubbish, is getting close to Toonpack levels I suppose Poundland banning the wearing of a poppy by their staff is also made up by the Daily Mail too ? What a dick. I'm well known on here for being a deep-thinking philosophiser, shame you can't see it. And re. football posts. We're owned by a dick, managed by a cunt, and are performing way above anyone's expectations. Next. must be honest, I stopped reading most of the shite you post a canny while ago. You post that as if you think I'd be upset? Fucking hell man, your grip on reality is slipping by the day. You criticise me for not posting much in the football forum, yet every single post you make in there is the same old turgid shite you've churned out for years. You are mentally incapable of making a post that doesn't either reference your pro-Shepherd crusade, or accuse anyone not 100% White British of being a terrorist. The crying shame is that you could easily be the most knowledgable football poster on here, but you can't help yourself. Soooooo, I'll be wearing my poppy , observing the silence, and following the parade to the War Memorial where I live on Sunday. After which, I shall hug a tree and eat muesli. What are your plans Sunday?
  11. A sensible reply would be appreciated - for a change. Dream on Mohammed as I expected, sadly. In a thread where FIFA are accused of being Nazis, and Guthrie is suggested for England, you expect a serious response? Leazes- he's back and madder than ever! your lack of football related posts, and alternative rubbish, is getting close to Toonpack levels I suppose Poundland banning the wearing of a poppy by their staff is also made up by the Daily Mail too ? What a dick. I'm well known on here for being a deep-thinking philosophiser, shame you can't see it. And re. football posts. We're owned by a dick, managed by a cunt, and are performing way above anyone's expectations. Next.
  12. A sensible reply would be appreciated - for a change. Dream on Mohammed as I expected, sadly. In a thread where FIFA are accused of being Nazis, and Guthrie is suggested for England, you expect a serious response? Leazes- he's back and madder than ever!
  13. agreed, and increasing the limit to 80mph is a mistake too I don't necessarily have an issue with that- braking efficiency on cars has improved , I'd guess, since the stopping distance figures were calculated. What I would say is that people disregard variable speed limits when they're imposed for adverse weather conditions. Countless times I've been on the motorways in awful driving conditions, and had arseholes tailgating me or zooming past at 70mph+ when you can barely see 50yds ahead.
  14. A sensible reply would be appreciated - for a change. Dream on Mohammed
  15. You should run against Blatter Stevie, with that last line as your slogan.
  16. Good point tbh. Maybe it's just the first time the FA have attempted to put a poppy on the shirts?
  17. Both of which have nothing to do with the issue though. Cabayeaye is suggesting that because FIFA aren't budging on their rule, they are acting like Nazis. ( Well, he's not really, he's just regurgitating a line he read on the Sun piece about it. )
  18. Their Current president is Swiss, so they have Nazi roots? Their current Vice President is Jordanian, so I guess they also have Nabatean and Hittite roots , eh?
  19. Accountability? Of course, none of the vehicles were travelling over the speed limit.
  20. FIFA was formed in Paris in 1904, long before the Nazi Party existed, and Paris is not in Switzwerland. Brainless Cock.
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