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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I don't really give a toss what you are doing this Sunday, or any other Sunday, tbh. I'm not answerable to you anyway chum, if you occasionally made a sensible post about something, I might find the time to give you a few seconds of my time. So why ask me, you crazy old drunk! I hope you give your carer extra pay to type this shit for you. what is wrong with socialising in a pub ? Don't you do it, or do you sit in front of your PC drinking instead ? Anyway, your last comment only proves your immaturity, its pathetic. You asked me what I am doing this weekend, you are presuming I will do nothing with regard to showing respects to those who died in World Wars, you are wrong. You know nothing about me, and you won't find out anything about me either. I stand by what I say. I think the anti-west stance taken by some people, and their support for those who are seeking to erode our standards and regard for human life in the west as compared to other tinpot countries and misguided lunatics including people who heckle our troops knowing they can't fire back at them, who live here but call somewhere else "home", and I'm not just talking about message boards I'm talking about in real life, shameful. WTF? You really are insane, I'm a little worried for you now Leazes, truly I am. Who said owt about pubs? What on earth are you babbling on about in the last bit?
  2. Kuk-torpedo innkommende..... Dykk!Dykk!Dykk!
  3. His last opportunity for touching his fans.
  4. Ta på meg, (ta på meg), ta meg på, (ta på meg), jeg vil være borte i en dag eller to.
  5. Jeg vil gi deg en hemmelighet, og den er at min ekte nasjonalisitet er den norske! I thought you were Prince of Gaydonia.
  6. Akkurat nå, klar på kanten av galaksen, keiser Zurg har vært hemmelighet bygge et våpen med den destruktive evnen å tilintetgjøre hele planeten! Jeg alene har informasjon som avslører dette våpenet eneste svakhet. Og du , min venn, er ansvarlig for å forsinke min rendezvous med Star Command! I'd have Carroll back in a flash, but for no more than £15mill.
  7. I don't really give a toss what you are doing this Sunday, or any other Sunday, tbh. I'm not answerable to you anyway chum, if you occasionally made a sensible post about something, I might find the time to give you a few seconds of my time. So why ask me, you crazy old drunk! I hope you give your carer extra pay to type this shit for you.
  8. Outrageously disrespectful to Nazis and their families that mind.
  9. These threads never end in arguments.
  10. Don't know what you mean. This is my first post in this thread.
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