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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Borderline!!!!! I'm sorry like but that's a fully paid up book stamped mackem, but any definition. Fair enough we'll let Chester Le Street and Durham off cos there's more toon fans and they're nearer here, but Penshaw!!! FFS. While we're on about Wearside, why do mackems and people from South of Gateshead, call Chester Le Street, Chester Luh Street, when quite clearly Chester Lee Street is the correct way of pronouncing it. I knew that was like a red rag to a bull when I posted it
  2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! True though. The German army was largely made up of conscripts. Not sure where you've read that, I know they made up a significant proportion but at least 6m GERMAN military died in WW2. Hitler re-introduced conscription in 1935, which had previously been banned in Germany under the Treaty of Versailles. The figure of 6million includes casualties as well as fatalities, nearly 75% of which occured on the Eastern Front in the final two years of the War. Edit; btw, I'm not saying that every German soldier was innocent of Nazi beliefs, certainly the Officers were actively encouraged to be Party members, just pointing out that a large number of the men who served and died for Germany had little choice in the matter.
  3. I personally think an impeccably observed minute's silence is a much more powerful act of remembrance than an embroidered poppy on the shirt would be.
  4. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! True though. The German army was largely made up of conscripts.
  5. Nailed it that article mind. How anyone could say that about Bosingwa is utterly bewildering.
  6. Taken from "Macilvaney on Boxing" which is as brilliant as this article suggests. Theres an article on Johnny Owen from Merthyr, who died in the ring in LA in 1980 in front of his father who trained him. Cried my eyes out after reading that, beautifully and sensitively written. http://www.amazon.co.uk/McIlvanney-Boxing-Mainstream-Sport-Hugh/dp/1840186054/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320791539&sr=8-1 Tommy Owen, Bloody Hell. Remember the joke that around at the time?
  7. And you can fuck off too. They think we're mackems man!
  8. Cracking article that Meenzer. Good find.
  9. Tunguska? That was a crashed UFO man Too many spliffs in front of the discovery channel I think. Divvint worry we've all been there Sorry, my mistake, it was a micro-black hole passing through the earth.
  10. Might be nice hoyed in a paella. The clamato, not the vodka.
  11. Tunguska? That was a crashed UFO man
  12. Put me right off my stroke there like Deaders.
  13. The utter lack of irony or self awareness in that post would be staggering from anyone else. Since it's from our very own Randall P McMurphy it's about par for the course. Time for your meds
  14. Just when I hope to retire, bugger! It is a bit too close for comfort mind.
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