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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This Seems in the heat of "debate", it's being forgotten that they have already changed the name, it's done, a fait accompli, and I 'll bet my house we aren't getting £10 million from SD for it. We are stuck with this cunt until he sells or dies from obesity , and now we have lost our stadium name.
  2. Will they make the stadium announcer use their new name? I can see that going down well.
  3. Chez, re your point at the end. I think you're right that it won't revert back to SJP, no company is going to pay to NOT have the stadium named, but right now, I'd be over the moon if someone came in and took the deal, if it meant we didn't have the SD brand plastered everywhere. There's also nothing to stop a company putting the SJP back into the name - The Northern Rock St. James Park is a million times more palatable than SD Arena.
  4. I wonder if the Fat Cunt will have the audacity to auction of the SJP sign, like he tried with the East Stand. How did that auction go btw, anyone know?
  5. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20111110/club-announce-stadium-name-plans_2281670_2511479 Worst taste joke imaginable
  6. Why can't we have both? Do you honestly believe ,Chez, that a single penny of this, so far, non existent £10million will make it's way to the transfer kitty?
  7. Remember when he bleated on about being unable to take his family to the game because he feared for their safety? I hope the cunt's got plenty security booked… Whilst I'm fucking seething , it's not a total surprise when you look at what's happened over recent months - the changing of the East Stand signs, the defacing of the outside of the Milburn & Gallowgate, the Gallowgate roof etc. Just in case anyone had any doubt about his contempt for us, he's made it absolutely crystal clear now. And Stevie, you're the only one on here who has hasn't softened their attitude to him? …Really? Pipe down man
  8. Surprised she didn't winkle it out of him, guess he must have clammed up Due to loss of mussel, walks with a limpet now , and as a result lived as a hermit.
  9. Are you suggesting ,CT, there's such a thing as a pleasant raping? Typical cabbie
  10. Ferguson speaks to the Beeb again, CT de-flounces. All is well in the world.
  11. Okay, tried sitting on my hands and chanting dont do it, dont do it. ......but I'll bite. My point about Ben Arfa was as follows. This was his big move, his chance to prove to all his detractors that he could still do it and do it consistently without all the bad boy antics. Obviously it hasnt gone well, he's had a year out and is struggling to break into a team that is doing very well. The scenario I was discussing was whether he would be happy, (given his ego and the ticking clock, point to prove etc ) spending the season as a bit part player. Or whether frustration would set in and he would engineer a move away, initially on loan, as he did to get here. A simple point that even a simpleton such as yourself should have been able to grapple with. With regard to Jonas, he's brilliant if you like having two left backs (which has been handy at times), but his attacking game has all but dried up, leaving the burden on Obertan's shoulders. His work rate is magnificent but he needs to get forward. If Pardew can somehow get him doing both (and we have end product , the he will be a great addition to the team. Aaaah, thats better. I guess I shouldn't reply, we'll end up with a cringeworthy thread like that one over at NO, but what the hell... "Obviously it hasnt gone well", WTF do you mean? He was great when he came here, then he broke his leg ffs! He's getting better and better, has shown some good stuff already. He's a unique player at this club, we have a lot of hard working players, Ben Arfa has the potential to be the icing on the cake. Our squad is paper-thin, sending out our most skillful player on loan, aye that's a good idea... I take it reading is a problem for you Reading is not the problem with many posters on here. It is more an issue with comprehension. CT is Leazes!! Argh!
  12. I need an Orange Liqueur for it, hoping i can buy a miniature bottle of Cointreau! here you go..
  13. Send us one, love choc & orange combos
  14. CT's Christian name. just choked on a fishy finger. Very funny. You should wash your hands before eating. cost you a fortune in soap, but still........
  15. It was the colours I was referencing, wtf happened there?
  16. I thought it was Saltwater in shit drag
  17. Aye and nowt else. Looked like a glorified allotment patch, all rows of greenhouses. spot on that edit; too slow once again!
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